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Prime Minister of Australia

The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP


03 February 2017

  • John Laws: I welcome our very own Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, to the studio. Prime Minister, good morning and welcome. Prime Minister: Great to be here, John. We're both adults, that's for sure.

  • TOM ELLIOTT: Okay the deal with the American Administration now led by Donald Trump to resettle all of Australia’s refugees on Manus and Nauru. Is that deal going to go ahead?

02 February 2017

01 February 2017

  • Prime Minister: Thank you very much. I acknowledge we are gathered on the land of the Ngunawal people and we honour their elders, past and present. Last week we celebrated Australia Day and around the country 16,000 people from 150 nations chose to become one of us.

  • Stan Grant: The Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, is with me now. Nice to have you with us.

31 January 2017

  • The Australian Government has received assurances from the United States Administration that all Australian passport holders remain welcome to travel to the US.

  • Like you, I’ve spent the summer talking to our fellow Australians about the issues that matter to them. Whether it’s in Toowoomba, Portland or Port Lincoln, Australians expect us to deliver the jobs and the great opportunities they expect for themselves, their families, their businesses and their children. Every element of the economic plan we are delivering and will continue to deliver this year, will do that.

  • JOURNALIST: Prime Minister, good morning. You speak about preserving Australia’s multicultural character but do you think our alliance with the US is threatening our multicultural values?

  • KIERAN GILBERT: This is AM Agenda, thanks very much for your company. With me now this morning for the first time in 2017, the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.


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