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  1. 20 ago.
    En respuesta a
  2. 19 ago.

    Spending my Friday hanging with mom & dad, eating hot cookies & MooseTracks and watching documentaries on current nazis.

  3. 19 ago.
  4. 18 ago.

    Bannon is gone? Oh hell yeah! 'Bout time.

  5. 18 ago.
  6. 18 ago.

    As an Aussie fan of , the FB post by his daughter re fills me with joy and hope.

  7. 17 ago.
  8. 17 ago.

    Racism doesn't only come in white it's released a new colour Red

  9. 17 ago.
  10. 17 ago.

    I got an alt-right white supremacist group on fb shut down today.

  11. 17 ago.

    Well say it louder than me!

  12. 16 ago.
    En respuesta a

    Proud of your strong words. Thanks Ambassador

  13. 16 ago.

    G2GVA closes its doors to ALL forms of racism. Stand with us.

  14. 16 ago.
  15. 16 ago.

    Ever wonder why is a KKK sympathizer? Well wonder no more the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

  16. 16 ago.

    Proud to be from , where there has always been !!! could learn something there!

  17. 16 ago.
  18. 16 ago.
  19. 14 ago.

    I'm a white catholic girl from the northeast. I stand with you and along side of you

  20. 14 ago.

    Important forum on with and about to get under way at UTS

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