AWS Mobile SDK
Xamarin Developer Guide

AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin

Welcome to the AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin Developer Guide. This guide will help you start developing Xamarin applications that use Amazon Web Services. The AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin provides access to many AWS Services. Supported AWS services currently include, but are not limited to:

The AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin also allows you to call AWS services supported by the AWS SDK for .NET. For more information about the AWS SDK for .NET, see:

About this guide#

This developer guide explains how to work with the various components of the SDK. The AWS services that are specific to mobile development are explained in this developer guide, in addition to other useful services like Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB. To learn more about what comes bundled with the AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin, see What is the AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin?.

How do I get the AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin?#

To get the AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin, following the instructions in Set Up the AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin. The AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin is distributed as NuGet packages. You can find a complete list of AWS service packages at AWS SDK packages on NuGet or at the AWS SDK for .NET Github Repository.

After you set up the SDK, you can view the quick start instructions in Getting Started with the AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin or start working with the individual mobile clients for Amazon Web Services. The mobile clients are described in the service-specific topics. Additional topics in the guide include:

Additional Resources#

For more information about the AWS Mobile SDK for .NET and Xamarin, including a complete list of supported AWS products, see the AWS Mobile SDK product page.