What it costs to live the life of Harvey Specter

If you've ever wondered how much money you'd need to live a true playboy lifestyle, an answer is finally at hand, although it's going to make a lot of people very unhappy.

A speculative tally of the likely outgoings of Harvey Specter, the suave hero of TV law series Suits, reveals an alarmingly high figure for living it large – $16,061,250.

Specter is the always-on-trend central character in the US series, the latest installation of which (Series 5) was released to DVD, Digital and Blu-ray on May 5.

How to dress like Harvey Specter

Gabriel Macht, the actor who plays the sartorially savvy Harvey Specter in the hit US tv show Suits, gives his top five style tips for men. With vision from Universal Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Australia

Played by Gabriel Macht, he is renowned for wearing the best suits, drinking the best scotch and having the best one-liners anywhere on the small screen.

But take heart, because by breaking down Specter's overheads – as we have done in the gallery above – you can pick and choose the trappings of the style, taste, luxury and ostentatiousness you want to project in your pursuit of a lifestyle befitting your lofty career status.

Check the gallery for a breakdown of the trappings of Harvey Specter's enviable lifestyle.

Suits (Series 5) is out now on DVD, Digital and Blu-ray.