The Reichstag fire

Reichstag fire

A slightly abridged version of a detailed investigation into the Reichstag fire by Fritz Tobias, an anti-fascist German who discovered to his surprise that widely-believed Communist Party claims the fire was set by the Nazis were false. Published in 1963.

2008: Disruption of Oil Land Auction

An account of an environmental activists disruption of an auction for oil extraction rights in 2008.

A half-blind communist with a sharp eye for the future. Marinus van der Lubbe (1909-1934) and his Reichstag Fire

Marinus' mugshot, 1931

Interesting history of Marinus van der Lubbe, the young communist building worker who burned down the Reichstag, and was falsely denounced as a Nazi agent by the Communist Party, by Joep de Visser.

Rebel Roo

Deliveroo riders on strike, 2016

Online archive of Rebel Roo, and industrial bulletin produced by Plan C for Deliveroo and other food delivery riders in the UK.

Everything must go!: The abolition of value - Bruno Astarian and Gilles Dauvé

This book is about a revolution (i.e. a historical break, not gradual peaceful evolution) that creates communism – not its preconditions.

On fire: the battle of Genoa and the anti-capitalist movement

Police van on fire, Genoa

Anarchist collection of writings on the 2001 anti-G8 riots in Genoa. We don't think it's particularly good but reproduce it for reference, and would recommend reading it alongside Aufheben's critique of the anti-capitalist movement.

Rogue states: the rule of force in world affairs

NATO bombing of former Yugoslavia

Book from 2000 by Noam Chomsky where he argues that, contrary to popular perception, the real 'rogue' states in the world today are not the dictator-led developing countries we hear about in the news, but the United States and its allies.

The 1972 miners' strike: popular agency and industrial politics in Britain

Pickets during the 1972 miners' strike

A detailed and informative account of the successful nationwide strike of UK miners in 1972, written as an academic paper by Jim Phillips.

Official Documents of the San Diego Free Speech Fight

A collection of official documents about the San Diego Free Speech Fight, including the original ordinance banning public speaking, and investigations into the violence. Hosted here for reference purposes.

Opposition and resistance in Nazi Germany

Group of Edelweiss Pirates being executed, Cologne 10 November 1944

Pamphlet offering a snapshot of some elements of the resistance to Nazism in Germany before and during World War II. It is not a comprehensive account and has some important omissions, discussed in the comments below.