
1985: Sudanese General Strike Against Dictatorship

In 1985 workers and students protested and struck against worsening living conditions and greater repression, in particular the imposition of Sharia and conflict in the south.

Behind the 21st century intifada

Intifada: a Palestinian boy confronts an Israeli tank

Written in 2001, this article is an excellent history and analysis of the new Intifada of the time, covering the roots of the problems in Israel and Palestine and the class struggles of both Arabs and Jews in the region throughout the 20th century

1960: South Korean Student Protests

In 1960 repression and electoral fraud pushed students throughout South Korea to take action against the regime. The protests (called the April Revolution) forced the resignation and exile of President Rhee, but the period of civilian rule was short lived.

2011-12: Disabled Bolivians March to La Paz

In 2011 a group of disabled Bolivians marched through the country to the capitol to push for increased support and to combat stigma. They were met with riot police and state violence.

1956: Haitian General Strike Against Dictator

In 1956 Haitian workers and students turned to mass demonstrations, blockades and a general strike to rid itself of a Dictator Paul Eugène Magloire. However in the aftermath the nation was under the control of François "Papa Doc" Duvalier

1944: Guatemala General Strike Overthrows Dictator

Maria Chincilla Recinos with fellow protestors

Workers and students in neighbouring El Salvador had driven out their dictator by using a general strike to cripple the regime. That same year Guatemalan workers and students also made use of strikes and mass demonstrations to oust their Dictator.

1922: Guayaquil General Strike

Workers in the southern Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil struck due to increased economic pressures. The strike brought the city to a halt and gained several concessions but the violence from the police and military would set a precedent for other labour struggles.

1946: The Great Hawai'i' Sugar Strike

In 1946 sugar plantation workers across the islands of Hawaii from all ethnic backgrounds shutdown the entire plantation system in the states first multi-ethnic industrial strike.

1949: Hawaii Longshoreman Strike

Longshoremen in Hawaii were paid less than other longshoreman in the United States. They struck to get an equal pay rate, and were out for 177 days.

2001-02: California Prisoner Hunger Strike