
Slovakia's unemployed riots of 2004

In February and March 2004, the Roma unemployed in Slovakia responded to cuts in welfare provisions with demonstrations and looting. The state's response involved the greatest mobilization of police forces since the fall of Stalinism. Although the unrest was crushed, it managed to secure better conditions for all unemployed in Slovakia.

The Void

The Void banner image

An archive of the fantastic blog, The Void, by anarchist unemployed activist Johnny Void.

What is wrong with free money?

Cristicuffs and Gruppen discuss Universal Basic Income(also known as Citizens income, Citizens Wage etc) and critique the idea from an anti-authoritarian left position as fundamentally inadequate and mistaken.

Defend the Right to be Accompanied at Job Centre Interviews.

On Monday 3rd October (2016) demonstrators will be descending on High Riggs jobcentre at Tollcross in Edinburgh. From noon till 2pm protestors will be insisting that “Advocacy is not a crime” and that the DWP must recognise the right of all claimants to be accompanied at all benefits interviews. What’s this all about?

The Cultural Hegemony of “Mental Health”

In this guest article Dr Bruce Scott challenges the way the “mental health” system and its institutions have been co-opted and actively promote capitalism. This system, driven by a profit motive, rather than a desire to benefit patients, has produced “fear and submission to an ideology which controls and mystifies the masses”.

Scottish Govt – Act Now to Stop “Catastrophic Impact” of Cuts on Disabled Community

Disability campaigners and their allies are urging the Scottish Government to act NOW to stop the horrendous benefits cuts being inflicted on disabled people. Following a demonstration at the Scottish Parliament activists from Black Triangle and Disability History Scotland presented a petition with this demand to be considered by the First Minister.

Resisting DWP Pyschocoercion 15TH JULY 2016

Benefit sanctions, workfare, cuts to disability benefits, cuts to benefits for migrants, cuts to benefits for young people…… To the long list of vicious government attacks on benefits claimants, we must now add ….pyschocoercion. The Tribe of Moles thanks Dr Bruce Scott for his illuminating article on this sinister DWP strategy. Encouragingly he concludes by highlighting the resistance which is underway.

PIP assessors, #DoNoHarm!

The news is dominated by Brexit. The referendum result is producing damaging divisions between different sections of working class people, even outbreaks of outright racism.However the Tribe of the Moles wants to forcibly drag the conversation out of the comfort zone of parliamentary discussions and constitutional debates, to explore one of the many grey zones of this so called democracy.

Your Money and Your Life

Tribe of Moles is Bella’s new weekly column reflecting struggles against benefits sanctions, austerity attacks and state repression – encouraging resistance, counter-power and autonomy.