Spanish civil war

Signifo kaj graveco de la majaj tagoj antaŭ la kontraŭrevolucio: Andreu Nin

Samtempulo dokumento el la Laborista Partio pri Marksista Unuiĝo, pri la okazoj en Majo 1937.

The social revolution and civil war in Spain: a brief synopsis – Miguel Amorós

A brief summary of the most important issues and turning points in the Spanish revolution and civil war from a perspective sympathetic to the anarchist left wing.

Freedom's crooked scars: John Cornford in Spain

John Cornford, 1936

A biographical, political, and literary introduction to John Cornford, the first man to go from England to fight the fascist takeover in Spain in 1936 - a poet, a revolutionary, and a military and political leader.

National Anarchism? – Alexander Schapiro

Headline of Solidaridad Obrera, 26 May 1937

A 1937 article by Alexander Schapiro, criticising the nationalist rhetoric used in an editorial of Solidaridad Obrera.

Anarchist organisation: the history of the FAI

CNT-FAI militants during the Spanish revolution

The first book-length history of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) from 1927 until it was repressed at the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939, written by one of its members, Juan Gómez Casas.

Antifascism: Instrument Of Capitalism

Here is a very draft translation from Spanish of a text published in the review "Ellos No Pueden Parar La Revuelta" #2. If somebody could help in proofreading, (s)he would be welcomed.

La Kolektivigoj en Katalunio (1936-1939)

Eseo de Antoni Castells Duran pri la kolektivigoj en Katalunio okazigitaj inter la jaroj 1936 kaj 1939.

Individual, class and nation in Spain, 1936–1939 - Juan McIver

Juan McIver looks at the Spanish Civil War and the work of poet and playwright Federico García Lorca

The Bordigist Current (1912-1952): Italy, France, Belgium, USA - Philippe Bourrinet

Updated, substantially-expanded, 2013 Philippe Bourrinet text on the history of the Italian Communist Left.

Why We Lost the War – Diego Abad de Santillán

A retrospective on the Spanish Civil War by the FAI leader, Diego Abad de Santillán, published in 1940, in which the former Minister of the Economy of the Generalitat blames foreign (especially Russian) intervention, the farcical “non-intervention” of the western democracies, and the centralism of the (Russian-ruled) Republic for Franco’s victory, citing long passages from official FAI documents, reports from various CNT committees, testimonials of front line soldiers, minutes from meetings of the Popular Front and libertarian plenums, etc., as well as his own wartime suggestions concerning military strategy (guerrilla warfare), and expresses regrets for his pacifying role in May 1937.