Solidarity Federation

School Dinner Discipline: a little bit of solidarity can go a long way

A dinner lady came to Brighton SolFed when there was nowhere left to go. At the time, they faced a disciplinary hearing for gross misconduct in three days. They had not been paying union membership dues, so they were refused mainstream union representation.

Tenant vs lettings agency: "We need to come together to improve conditions for everybody"

In summer of 2016, Brighton SolFed was organising with a Leaders tenant who was being evicted from their flat. Following a series of pickets, that dispute ended after an offer of compensation to the tenant. Here, another Leaders tenant from a nearby town, who contacted Brighton SolFed during the summer dispute, tells her story about how she has been mistreated by Leaders, particularly about how they have neglected the property and tried to evict her and her partner by bullying them.

Brighton hospitality worker gets £600 payout after demanding holiday pay for herself and her workmates

One of the most common problems faced by workers in the hospitality industry is the withdrawal of holiday pay. In an industry dominated by zero-hour contracts, many workers and even employers are unaware of workers' legal right to holiday pay, even when on a zero-hours contract. This was the case for one former waitress at a cafe in the North Laine.

A worker gets paid after organising

A migrant former room attendant's account of successfully demanding her owed wages via Solidarity Federation.

Brighton Hospitality Workers interview - Vienna Workers' Union

Translation of an interview by the Vienna Workers' Union with Brighton Hospitality Workers, an industrial section of Brighton Solidarity Federation, looking at the struggles they have organised and the lessons which working-class militants can learn from them.

Luchando por nosotres mismes: anarcosindicalismo y lucha de clases - Solidarity Federation

Este excelente libro de SolFed pretende recuperar parte de la historia perdida del movimiento de les trabajadorxs, con el fin de establecer una estrategia revolucionaria para las condiciones actuales.

IWA struggles and victories in 2014

A brief account of some of the workplace conflicts, international actions and social struggles of IWA Sections.

Tackling the UK's “freelance” TEFL scandal

There's good news for UK language teachers: all of us should be on directly-employed contracts.

The Pop Up Union: a postmortem

Pop-up union members take part in national demo

When management at the University of Sussex announced plans to outsource 235 jobs, workers responded by launching a 'Pop-Up Union', a new tactic in modern British industrial relations. Is this a model other workers can emulate?

Another win for Brighton hospitality workers

These workers stood up to their exploitative boss and you won't believe what happened next.