
The arcane of reproduction - Leopoldina Fortunati

Fortunati critiques the traditional Marxist category of “productive” labor and examines the effects on the capitalist “reproductive” roles of women’s labor and bodies, with illuminating consequences for the received understanding of society and the modern “nuclear” family.

The Iceland women’s strike, 1975

Women on strike in Reykjavik, 1975

A short history of the strike, or day off, by 90% of women in Iceland for equality with men on 24 October, 1975, written by Steven Johns.

C. Inza Deboise- Domestic Violence and Social Work from an Anarchist Perspective

Article by a domestic violence worker about the complicity of social services in the enforcement of patriarchy.

Marx on gender and the family: a critical study - Heather A. Brown

This, the first book-length study devoted exclusively to Marx’s perspectives on gender and the family, offers a fresh look at this topic in light of twenty-first century concerns.

On the "woman question" - Gilles Dauvé

"Too Marxist for a feminist? Too feminist for a Marxist? Or not enough…? Best see for yourself."
Gilles Dauvé examines woman/sex/gender question, and what it has become in the capitalist mode of production.

Let's Get Organized - Anarchist Unionism: The Feminist Connection

"Let's Get Organized - Anarchist Unionism: The Feminist Connection" was an early 1990's folded leaflet/brochure issued by the Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA) "Working Group on Feminism and Sexism." The Working group was formed as both an internal and external group.

Sylvia Pankhurst reader

Sylvia Pankhurst demonstrating against British policy in India, 1932

An extensive compilation of the political writings of left communist Sylvia Pankhurst on class, women, communism and fascism.

The Women's Liberation and Gay Liberation Movements

Speech given by Huey Newton, founder of the Black Panthers, August 15, 1970. The speech criticises previous attitudes of the Black Panther Party and revolutionary groups towards homosexuals and women, and stresses the need to take steps to support and ally with their liberation movements.

Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto - Alyson Escalante

Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto by Alyson Escalante

Alyson Escalante's critiques of the trans community's reliance on gender essentialism and a proposal for a radical negation as the solution to gendered alienation and oppression. To be included in the upcoming anthology Fuck Your Gender Neutral Prison! A Nihilist Insurrection Against Gender.

Prostitution Rights

Decriminalization takes prostitution from the jurisdiction of the criminal code. It means private sexual acts between consenting adults are placed outside the realm of criminal laws.