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Croatian news with Enis Zebic

Round-up of daily news and current affairs from Croatia.
While many people around Australia will be celebrating the Australia Day national holiday, for many in the Indigenous community it's a day of mourning. Protests...
Around 16,000 people are becoming Australians today in citizenship ceremonies across the country. For many of those families, the road to citizenship has been...
This article is not translated in English, please go to Croatian language version!
My Grandmother's Lingo

A unique voice-activated interactive tells the story of one woman’s fight to save her endangered Indigenous language.

Settlement Guide

Facts and news about life in Australia for migrants.

The controversy around 457 visas

Being able to drive in a car is a necessity for many new arrivals to Australia. Yet, knowing if you need an Australian drivers licence and how to get one can...
The National Disability Insurance Scheme gives people with disability choice and control over the support they need for a fulfilling life.
Every hour four people go missing in Australia.While most are found, the disappearance of one person can affect the lives of 12 others - according to the National...
In Australia, anyone can be reported missing to police if their whereabouts are unknown, and there are serious concerns for their safety and welfare. Police will...