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FAQ's - Classification

Does SBS have its own classification guidelines?

We classify the television programs broadcast on SBS. Our classification guidelines are set out in Code 4 of the SBS Codes of Practice.

What program classifications are used by SBS?

General (G); Parental Guidance - parental guidance recommended for people under 15 years (PG); Mature - not recommended for people under 15 years (M); Mature Audience - not suitable for people under 15 years (MA15+). Consumer advice on the reasons for an M and MA15+ classification will be given prior to the start of the program. SBS has a further set of generalised warnings which relate to 'distress' and 'offence' and other more specific areas such as 'graphic surgical procedures' and 'cruelty to animals'.

Does SBS censor programs?

We try to do this as little as possible and will schedule stronger material late in order to avoid editing. Occasionally, however, a program must be cut to bring it within our Codes of Practice. If we judge that the required cut (or cuts) would seriously damage the overall integrity of a program, we would not purchase it. 

A groupie story:  Inspector Rex, the crime-busting German shepherd from Austria, has the largest following of any character on SBS Television. Since he started airing on the channel in 1994, he has received a fan letters every week; we have even received a book of poems inspired by him!