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10-Minute Tutorials are simple “Hello, World!” technical documents to help you get hands-on with AWS.

Use these self-service step-by-step guides to build and launch your first project with AWS.

Use AWS to host a website that uses client-side technologies (such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and does not require server-side technologies (such as PHP and ASP.NET)

Host a scalable, robust web application on AWS infrastructure

Host a scalable, robust web app on AWS infrastructure and deploy a sample .NET application

Create a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud using Amazon Redshift

Create a sample Amazon EMR cluster and run a Hive script to process sample data that is stored in Amazon S3 

Connect a thing to AWS IoT, create rules to process messages sent by a thing, and use the Thing Registry and Thing Shadows service to interact with your device

The videos below will help you learn about the AWS Platform

What is AWS?
AWS Services Overview
Introduction to Amazon EC2
Introduction to Amazon S3

Check the Free Tier terms to stay within your limits.

Optimize your costs for both variable and stable workloads.

Set up billing alerts and other notifications for your metrics with Amazon Cloudwatch.

Use this calculator to compare the cost of running your applications in an on-premises or traditional hosting environment to AWS.

Documentation on each web service, including a Getting Started Guide, product information, and a detailed API reference.

This index highlights the primary SDKs, IDE Toolkits, and Command Line Tools for developing and managing your AWS applications.

A comprehensive list of technical AWS whitepapers, covering topics such as architecture, security and economics.

Resources to develop the skills to design, deploy, and operate infrastructure and applications on the AWS cloud.

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