[ The Sydney Morning Herald ]

Donald Trump Inauguration: All eyes on 'first boy' Barron

Date: January 21 2017

He's America's new first boy. Barron Trump didn't have to take an oath, or deliver national address, but the youngest son of President Donald Trump attracted plenty of air time during the inauguration day coverage on Saturday (AEST).

As his father was sworn into office, young Barron couldn't hold it in. He yawned, the way most schoolkids do when asked to stand on ceremony. Most children would get away with it. Not 'Little Donald'. A tight shot of his mouth was beamed (and tweeted) across the globe. 

It's a sign of things to come for the 10-year-old who joins an exclusive club of 'first children', the young offspring of Presidents who reside in the White House with their parents.

Barron's yawns and fevered fidgeting during his father's acceptance speech in November triggered a smattering of headlines and video vines. Had he been allowed to take two steps to his left and out of frame he would have maybe enjoyed another couple of months of relative anonymity. 

But on Saturday (AEST) Barron could not escape the cameras. They captured his every awkward tween move: his mother adjusting his tie, his slumped posture as the inauguration wore on, and his lean over his father's shoulder as he signed cabinet papers in the President's room on Capitol Hill. 

They also captured the sweet moment he played peek-a-boo with his nephew.

The youngest of Trump's five children, and only child with First Lady Melania, won't move into the White House straight away.

The Trumps will continue living in Trump Tower in New York (where Barron has an entire floor to himself) so he can finish the school year at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, where school fees range from $US44,000 ($58,000) to $US47,000 per year. 

Barron is the first boy in 54 years to live in the White House. The last first boy was JFK's son John F Kennedy Jr, who left at the end of his father's term in office in 1963.

George W Bush (US president from 2001-2009) had well and truly grown up by the time his father George H W Bush (US president from 1989-1993) moved into the White House. 

A regular chip-off-the-old block, Barron's nickname is 'Little Donald'.

"He is a very strong-minded, very special, smart boy. He is independent and opinionated and knows exactly what he wants. Sometimes I call him 'Little Donald'. He is a mixture of us in looks, but his personality is why I call him 'Little Donald'," Melania said in an interview.

There's a 28-year age gap between Barron and President Trump's oldest son Donald Jr. He's closer in age to President Trump's brood of grandchildren, including Donald Jr.'s son, Tristan, 6, and Ivanka's daughter Arabella, who took a leaf out of Barron's playbook and yawned through the signing ceremony on Saturday (AEST). 

Tristan may have overshadowed Barron, exclaiming loudly and repeatedly "I wanna go home".

The true measure of infamy is fake Twitter accounts. @Barron_pmurT commentates on the public life of the real Barron with general good humour.

But Twitter has not been kind to Barron, which does not honour the unspoken rule of political journalism: leave the the kids out of it. 

Fairfax Media