
Farrah Tomazin

Farrah Tomazin is The Sunday Age's state political editor. Farrah joined the paper in 2000, reporting on general news, courts and crime, local government and state politics. She was The Age's state political correspondent ahead the 2006 Victorian election, and later spent three years as education editor before becoming a feature writer on Victorian affairs. She returned to the state rounds press gallery for The Sunday Age in 2011.

Premier Daniel Andrews has interrupted his holiday to join negotiations.

The Education State: just another three-word slogan?

An Essential Research poll has found only one third of Victorians have heard of Labor's schools agenda, let alone "the Education State" – the catch-all phrase the government uses to represent its multibillion-dollar investment in schools.

Youth Affairs Minister Jenny Mikakos.

Young offenders may face more adult jail

More young offenders could end up being sentenced to adult jails – even after the first group of Parkville rioters return from Barwon's maximum security prison.

Daniel Andrews' government says it has no plans to change the entitlements system.

Andrews and Guy at odds over MP perks shake-up

Victoria's parliamentary entitlements system faces a shake-up, including the prospect of an independent watchdog similar to the agency announced by Malcolm Turnbull to oversee federal MPs' perks.

Jaala Pulford with her daughter Sinead. Sinead died two years ago at the age of 13.

When law is shaped by love - and death

There are few things that shape your world view like watching someone you love die in pain. For Daniel Andrews, the turning point came in the lead up to April 24 this year: the unforgettable Sunday when his father, Bob, drew his last breath after a lengthy and agonising battle with cancer.