
Super Mario Run: will Nintendo and Apple's partnership take off?

Super Mario Run, which launches on the App Store for iPhone and iPad this week, is a landmark game. Never before has Nintendo made a Mario game for a piece of hardware it did not build, let alone for a phone, and never before has Apple put its marketing clout behind a game so thoroughly. But will it be the next big thing? Or will it fade quickly into obscurity like Nintendo's very first mobile effort?

On the surface there are indicators that it could go either way.

This is an app featuring arguably the most recognisable game character of all time. It's being made with the same core team that makes standard Mario games on consoles, and appears to have all the depth and content that would go with that, except it can be played with one hand. It's been featured on the App Store for weeks and has attracted millions to sign up for a notification when it launches. Apple and Nintendo are both all in.

On the other hand, Mario is 35 years old. Kids are more likely to know what Minecraft is than Mario, and Nintendo has long since lost the attention of many dedicated gamers with its unique but underpowered game systems. Not to mention the fact that Super Mario Run will be a $15 game on a platform flush with free apps.

Nintendo has momentum right now

Still, the timing couldn't be better. The Japanese gaming giant first saw a swell in interest this year after the blockbuster Pokemon GO brought pocket monsters back into everyone's lives (Nintendo is a part owner of the company behind the franchise). Then, the one-two punch of an unexpectedly popular NES Classic Mini and the reveal of an intriguing new gaming system — Switch — set for next year.

Just last week, Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, spruiking both Super Mario Run and Switch, and then playing guitar with The Roots (they played Ground Theme from Super Mario Bros, naturally). Clearly, the company is making a big move on a mainstream audience — using their existing iconic properties this time, in contrast to their move last decade with the Wii — and that audience seems to be receptive.


"Nintendo has demonstrated repeatedly that it exerts multi-generational appeal, and Super Mario is arguably Nintendo's most famous character", says Robby Yung, CEO of Animoca Brands, a firm that makes and publishes apps based on famous properties.

"Apple clearly believes that Super Mario Run will be huge, and it's probably right".

The question of quality

Super Mario games are consistently high quality on dedicated game machines, which is probably why fans have clamoured for an entry on mobile for so long. Yet Run is enough of a departure to give some pause.

Ditching the fine movement control that generally typifies the series, the mobile game sees Mario run to the right constantly, with players touching the screen to jump. Some have worried that this is less a full Mario game and more an interactive $15 advertisement for the full games that will appear on Switch.

"The company seems conflicted about how to support its proprietary hardware while not missing out on the opportunities presented by the massive smartphone and tablet audience", says Yung, but he believes the company is aiming to hit its same high level of quality regardless of platform.

"Ultimately, exploiting the Nintendo library of successful IP on as many platforms as possible is in the best interests not only of consumers, but also of Nintendo's bottom line and shareholders"

Adapting to mobile markets

One of the hallmarks of a Nintendo game is using a platform's specific advantages for unique gameplay, and so it might be no surprise that Run is a one-handed, touch-focused game for playing in short bursts. Yet the way Nintendo's adapted Mario to the App Store may ruffle a few feathers.

For starters the game, like many apps, requires an internet connection to work. This is both to facilitate features — game progress is saved online to connect the various modes of the game and ensure it works across devices — and for security reasons, but it means no offline play. Another potential sore point for players — and, it seems, another security measure — is that the game won't appear on Android devices until some time next year.

Finally, there could be an element of sticker shock. Most mobile games are free or very cheap and offer the option of further purchases. By contrast, Run will be free to try but cost $15 to unlock the full game.

In an interview with Glixel, Miyamoto said this was a precaution to maintain the brand's child-friendly image.

"We have a lot of kids that play our products", the designer said. "It was important for us to be able to offer Super Mario Run in a way that parents would feel assured that they could buy the game and give it to their kids without having to worry about future transactions".

Yung says that "most mobile developers" generate much more revenue from free games with in-app purchases than they would from a premium-priced app, but that "if any [property] has the potential to change user behaviour, this is it".

The success or otherwise of Run is likely to impact Nintendo's future decisions when it comes to mobile — with current plans including entries in the Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing series — as its Switch machine looks set to supplant both its traditional home and portable console businesses.

But in the end, Yung says, the only way publishing games on mobile would hurt Nintendo was if they were not fun.

"What truly hurts IP is poor quality", he says. "As long as Nintendo can make great games, regardless of the platform, it will enhance its overall brand value. The risk comes if games are poorly executed and fall significantly short of the high expectations of consumers."

Super Mario Run launches on the App Store on Thursday.