

Why the art of letting go is more important than ever

Mireille Juchau:  Whether we are artists, politicians, activists or children, we need leisure - we need reverie - to ...

When external forces bend us into someone we don't wish to be, we need leisure to restore us to ourselves, however fractured or incompetent, writes author Mireille Juchau. In this world, the art of letting go is more important than ever.

Suzanne Rutland: books that changed me

"<i>From Assimilation to Group Survival</i> proved pivotal for my thinking": Author Suzanne Rutland.

Suzanne D. Rutland is Professor of the Department of Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies at the University of Sydney, and has published widely on Australian Jewish history. Her book co-authored with Sam Lipski, Let My People Go: The Untold Story of Australia and the Soviet Jews 1959-89 (Hybrid), was joint winner of the 2016 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Australian History.

A sultry land of self-reinvention

"We were surrounded by books and reading. Both my parents were really passionate readers": Author Laura Bloom.

"People change their names," says Bloom of the Northern Rivers region, the setting for her novel, "but when you leave your old life and start a new life it can have a cost as well."

Xmas books

Ann Patchett's seventh work of fiction, <i>Commonwealth</i>, is being hailed as one of the finest novels of the year.

If you didn't get these 2016 books for Christmas, pick up a copy for yourself.