
Mason Lee's stepfather, mother charged with child cruelty

Child cruelty charges have been added to the manslaughter charges for the stepfather and mother of Queensland toddler Mason Lee.

Police allege William Andrew O'Sullivan, 36, and Anne Maree Lee, 27, failed to provide adequate medical care to one-year-old Mason, who died on June 11 in 2016.

In a police affidavit, doctors found Mason would have displayed symptoms including vomiting and fever which would have progressively worsened for up to a week,  and his bowel was ruptured days before he succumbed to peritonitis.

It is believed he suffered a blow to his stomach two to four days before his death.

A visitor to Mr O'Sullivan's home called triple zero, where paramedics found the boy "cold and stiff", presumed to have been dead for some time.

Mr O'Sullivan and Ms Lee were charged with manslaughter in July, and have been in custody since then.

The pair is due to appear in the Caboolture Magistrates Court on February 6.