
Anti-Trump rally in Brisbane CBD draws crowd despite heat

In Saturday's sweltering heat, a group of about 300 people gathered in King George Square to protest US President Donald Trump's inauguration.

The Greens, unionists, and women's rights activists joined to support women's rights, minority groups and immigrants.

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The grandma who launched the Women's March

Teresa Shook, the grandmother from Hawaii who launched the Women's March on D.C., says she did it for her granddaughters.

The rally, which started in a humid 33 degrees at 11am, was held in conjunction with rallies and marches around Australia.

An estimated 5000 people in Sydney marched from Hyde Park to the US consulate in one of the first Woman's Marches to take place around the globe.

In Brisbane, the crowd of 300 marched down CBD footpaths with chants that included "this is what democracy looks like".

The Brisbane Woman's March organiser Chris Henderson said it was important to give groups opposing the US President space to voice their opinions.


"I think it's brilliant, it's a great turnout," she said.

"People want solutions, all the people here are looking to the future."

People gathered for the anti-Trump rally and Woman's March said they decided to come to show solidarity with other minority groups around the world.

Laya Skelly, an American citizen, said she felt "really frustrated" and "a little bit helpless" watching what was happening in the US from afar.

Another American citizen, Rachael Brennan, said she was at the rally to "stand with all oppressed minorities".

"I think it's important for unheard voices, minority groups to have their voices heard," she said.

There were two small groups of pro-Trump counter-protesters who attempted to interrupt the rally speeches, and a small police presence.