
Column 8

Geoff Booth, of Coffs Harbour, writes: "I have a question which should kick-start your nerd mail." [C8: Surely contributions from devoted C8ers?]. "When a mobile phone charger is left plugged in and the wall switch 'on' but the phone is unplugged, is it using any electricity? I am dealing with a 7-year-old who knows everything and Google is no help." 

I bought a packet of mixed peanuts and cashew nuts, reports Simon Dixon, no address. "Packet says 'Packed in Australia from imported and local ingredients. Peanuts from Argentina and cashews from Vietnam/India'. Are we to assume the Australian content is the air in the packet?" 

Also. "On our Christmas ham, outside packaging '98 per cent Australian content'. Be very interesting where the other 2 per cent were sourced," says Steve Rolley, of Dural. 

So, is Fran Powell (C8 "so") the same lass who won, and then for years wrote questions for, Sale Of The Century? asks Warwick Sauer, no address. "If so, shouldn't she be the one giving you the answer to her query?" 

My elderly friend's equally elderly house is for sale, writes Joan Brown, of Orange. "I had to giggle at the real estate blurb listing its features. What she called the scullery, a narrow little room off the kitchen containing a sink, cupboards and shelving, in real estate-speak is now a butler's pantry."

Malcolm Gall, of Latham, ACT, was approaching Bega in his Monaro. "I was pulled over and warned that I should not go down to 80 in a 100 'zone' and I should turn in my license if I can't drive 'at' the speed 'limit'. Drivers behind me would get frustrated and angry and they would pull out to overtake me, breaking the law, and have an accident and that would be my fault. When did the speed 'limit' become an average or a setting?"


The savings I got on the merchandise in stores on Boxing Day worked out at a massive 100 per cent on everything in sight, reports Adrian Connelly, of Springwood. "The travel cost me nothing, parking was free and abundant, and there was minimal noise. All I had to do was stay at home and reflect on how I really didn't need any of that stuff anyway. I plan to save on an even bigger range of products next year."

[Items without an address will no longer be included.]

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