
Postscript: Letter of the Year

Sometimes readers love a letter so much they write to tell us and declare it their letter of the year, which is just what Ros Byrne, of Deakin in the ACT, did earlier this month. "Neil Ormerod's letter today critiquing Cory Bernardi's delight in the election of Donald Trump gets my vote for the 'letter of the year'," she wrote. Then added:  "PS:  You are going to choose a letter of the year, surely?"

It's not something we traditionally do, although when we ran our favourite letters online polls I did go back through a year of polls to work out the letter that got the most "favourites" that year. If I end up with RSI, that might be the reason.

But as Ros' nudge was so timely this year, we thought we'd ask everyone else to chip in with their suggestions. Joining Neil Ormerod on the short list were Ron Sinclair, Sue Lubbers, Maksym Szewczuk, Meredith Williams and Margaret Hinchey. But the winner was clear.

For lifting the lampooning of annoying three-word political slogans to new heights of absurdity and fun, Rosemary O'Brien's letter making the now unbreakable connection between the government's "jobs and growth" mantra and Jobson Grothe, "a relative, though distant, of a one-time pair of handy Eels wingers (Erics junior and senior)", is our 2016 Herald Letter of the Year. The third-generation winger went on to feature in many subsequent letters and, in the words of one nominator, Phil Stanton, is now "a character who has become part of our lives".  I expect there will be a best-selling biography in 2017.

Rather than picking a letter of the year, many of you wanted to pick a letter writer of the year, nominating a wide range of writers familiar to regular readers. But one name kept coming up: Bert Candy.

So for 2016, Bert Candy is our Herald Letter Writer of the Year (even though he has moved from the fragrantly named Lemon Tree Passage, for which we may never forgive him).

I have included a selection of the Best of Bert 2016 online as well as some of the short-listed best letters – as we publish more than 6000 a year, I'm sure there other great examples that people will now belatedly wished they had nominated. Feel free to add more in comments. And Happy New Year to all our letter writers and readers. 2017 promises to supply plenty of material. Keep writing.

Julie Lewis Letters co-editor