
Donald Trump Inauguration: 'I wanna go home!' President's grandson interrupts proceedings

The world has witnessed the first headstrong demand of the Trump presidency: "I wanna go home!"

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Trump's grandchild steals the show

Five-year-old Tristan Trump enjoys his time by President Donald Trump's side at the cabinet nominations signing ceremony before deciding he wants to go home.

The command beamed over the inauguration mics on Saturday morning (AEST) was not uttered by President Donald Trump himself, but by one the Trump grandchildren, who gave it all the oomph we've come to expect of the new commander and chief. 

Sure, the new president - leader of the free world - has just been sworn in. Yes, it's been a momentous occasion. But now it's time to beat it, declared the Trump progeny.

"I wanna go home," the tiny tot boomed as his grandfather signed three sets of orders nominating his cabinet during an official ceremony in the President's Room of the Senate on Capitol Hill. 

Little Trump's demands were as forceful as the President's inauguration speech, just more succinct, with fewer "American First's". It is understood he wrote it himself, just like his grandfather.


It was unclear which mini-Trump bellowed the sentiment shared by millions of weary Trump detractors who also wanted to go home and pretend the inauguration had never happened. 

Donald Trump Junior's son, Tristan, was the safest bet. The bowl-cut blond ducked in and out of camera shot after he bounded to the front of the crowd of family and political elite. 

Tristan happily took up position at President Trump's elbow the president sat in a big red chair at an ornate polished wood table. But the excitement soon wore off for the six-year-old, who looked visibly bored by the pomp before skulking away.

Other mini-Trumps looked equally enthused, including Ivanka's daughter Arabella, and Tristan's brothers Joseph and Spencer Frederick.

"I wanna go home. I wanna go home. I WANNA GO HOME," the little Trump yelled.

He was over it. It had been a long day of waving and smiling and listening to adults talk about boring things like geopolitical stabilisation, nationalism and people in pant suits and he's had enough, America. He's done. 

Arabella was none too impressed either.

It was the entertainment Twitter had been waiting for, providing punters with a second wave of mirth, but perhaps fewer memes than Michelle Obama's unimpressed facial expressions.