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#putyourblazersonforjulie - former Canberra colleagues support Julie Snook in the White Top Debacle

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Julie Snook is now known around the nation thanks to the revelations on Friday of Channel Nine's great White Top Debacle.

Snook got her big break in Canberra where she worked across print, TV and radio.

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Nine News presenters wardrobe spat

Off air footage leaked to Mumbrella shows Nine journalists Amber Sherlock and Julie Snook have an awkward exchange over their choice of wardrobe.

A leaked video of Snook being berated by fellow Nine presenter Amber Sherlock for also wearing a white top on air - and being directed by Sherlock to put on a jacket - went viral on Friday.

While Sherlock was reportedly to be hauled before management, Snook's stocks rose as she handled the attack with aplomb, saying she was flat out, had simply forgot to put on a jacket and eventually did put on one. (Although the jacket did look like one retired sports presenter Ken Sutcliffe might have left hanging on the back of his chair.)

The hashtag #putyourblazersonforjulie also started doing the rounds.

Snook is remembered in the national capital as a hard-working country girl with a good sense of humour.


Originally from Broken Hill (her Instagram account describes her as "a country girl living in the big smoke"), she did a newspaper cadetship in Forbes and moved to Canberra in 2009 as part of the original editorial team on The Canberra Weekly.

The Canberra Weekly editor Julie Samaras said Snook was "always well-presented".

"She did have a good selection of white tops even then – it's a wardrobe basic, after all," Samaras said.

"Her best accessories were always her killer smile and her unflappability. Seems they still are."

Snook then made the switch to television with Southern Cross Austereo in Canberra. (Coincidentally, Amber Sherlock also worked for Southern Cross, based in Canberra from 2004 to 2006 when she presented the edition of State Focus for northern NSW audiences.Sherlock was also a reporter at the skifields early in her career.)

Snook then joined the team at Mix 106.3 as news director and newsreader for the breakfast show.

A statement from the station suggested on Friday it had no problem with what she wore then - probably not a surprise for radio.

Snook was poached by Channel Nine in 2013, working in the sports department.

She said at the the time she would miss Canberra.

"It's been a lot of fun, I've met some amazing people and had some really good experiences," she said.

As one ex-colleague in Canberra said: "We love Snookie!".