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The Official Twitter account of Grand Teton National Park.

Moose, Wyoming
Participa desde junho de 2009

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  1. A Record of Decision for the Moose-Wilson Corridor has been approved. More Info:

  2. The status of Teton Park Rd, Moose-Wilson Rd, and Signal Mountain Summit Rd has been changed to over snow access.

  3. Long-time park volunteer Harrison Goodall received the Hartzog Enduring Service Award this year. Congratulations!

  4. Rangers investigated a wildlife-vehicle collision that resulted in the death of a male grizzly bear early Sunday.

  5. Construction crews are working on major water and wastewater projects in the Moose and Pilgrim Creek areas. More:

  6. A temporary area closure will be in effect for several trails within the South Jenny Lake Area Oct. 17-21.

  7. 17 New US Citizens were sworn in today at the first naturalization ceremony in park history.

  8. Come and play for Public Lands Day! Free entry Sat. Volunteering for all ages Sun. SIGN UP to serve

  9. to Ranger Betty Reid Soskin, who turns 95, today!

    Photo of Ranger Betty Reid Soskin in her park service uniform.
  10. Volunteer for Public Lands Day, Sunday, Sept. 25. Tshirts from REI and breakfast provided. SIGN UP:

  11. Fire restrictions lifted in Grand Teton National Park and Bridger-Teton National Forest. Please continue to be safe with fire.

  12. Hwy 89/191/287 is closed south of Lizard Creek Campground to the South Entrance of . .

  13. Grassy Lake Road is closed due to increased activity. Red Flag Weather Warning today for fire activity.

  14. Aspens are turning golden and temperatures are cooling. Check out fall closing dates and construction updates:

  15. The key to many missing person searches is a witness report. Call 307.739.3476 if you may have seen Rene Dreiling.

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