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About Mari Nikuradze

Mariam Nikuradze has been working as a journalist since 2009. Since 2011, she has been a reporter for online newspaper Democracy and Freedom Watch. She also works for cross-border project Chai-khana since 2014, and has previously worked on an independent investigative project about labour conditions in Georgia.

Articles by Mari Nikuradze

This week's editor

Adam Ramsay, Editor

Adam Ramsay is Editor of oD-UK.

Constitutional conventions: best practice

Georgia: the exiles’ election

Twenty five years after the separatist wars that shook Georgia, 265,000 displaced people still struggle to make ends meet — and their voices heard. 

Life slows down in Chiatura


The mining town of Chiatura in western Georgia has already been cursed with poor conditions and self-serving owners. Now they’ve “temporarily” closed down the mines.


Left in the dark: inside Georgia’s Chiatura mines


Workers at the Chiatura mines in western Georgia toil in abysmal conditions. Strikes, puppet trade unions and a reluctant government have all failed to improve their lot.

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