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Help us rename Arab Awakening!

Do you have any ideas for an alternative name? Let us know what you think! We are collecting suggestions and will announce the new name soon! - free thinking for the world

Help us rename Arab Awakening!

Do you have any ideas for an alternative name? Let us know what you think! We are collecting suggestions and will announce the new name soon! - free thinking for the world

Our partners

We would like to thank the Network for Social Change, Fritt Ord and the National Endowment for Democracy for their generous support of our work.

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If you would like to support the work of the Arab Awakening editors, please get in touch with the editor: Rosemary Bechler

Bahrain on Arab Awakening

Syria: grassroots democracy, future prospects (Part II)

Part two of this interview with Joseph Daher explores some of the experiments in grassroots democracy and the possible futures in Syria.

Revolution and counter-revolution in Syria (Part I)

This first part of an interview with Joseph Daher offers an in-depth look at the forces involved in the Syrian revolution, and those who have fought against it.

The consequences of politicized forces in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

The politicization of the Kurdish military and security forces has a diverse and severe impact on human security, and stability in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

From Ramallah to Paris: the Middle East’s forgotten conflict

There are issues the international community should consider in the wake of the Paris talks if it is serious about its responsibilities under the United Nations Charter. 

Through the eyes of a queer Arab man: a review of ‘Guapa’

The novel Guapa by Saleem Haddad is set in the aftermath of the 2011 revolutions. Reading it during the fall of Aleppo, on the sixth anniversary of the Arab Spring, is a moving experience.

The Two-State solution’s silver bullet

If the international community cannot come to recognize the State of Palestine before Trump takes office, the State of Palestine may ultimately be reconstituted from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.

Fatah’s seventh party congress: a masterstroke by Abbas?

The Fatah leadership, with the tacit support of its international backers, has chosen small gains at the cost of an uncertain future. 

Aleppo's forgotten revolutionaries

Countless icons of the Syrian revolution who struggled for freedom between 2012-2014 have been ignored and erased from history by the western media.

How well protected are Syrians in Turkey?

EU policymakers hope Syrians will stay in Turkey, but while they have some rights there lasting solutions are elusive.

Nationalism in Jordan: king, tribe, or country? Part two

Part two of this two-part series reveals the fragmented nature of nationhood in Jordan with the East/West Bank divide and tribalism.

Nationalism in Jordan: king, tribe, or country? Part one

The first article in this two-part series traces the formation of nationalism in Jordan as both a pan-Arab identity and a relationship between Arabs and family rulers.

Latin America’s turn to the right: implications for Palestine

Over the past year a number of Latin American elections resulted in victories for the right. What does this political change mean for the Palestinian cause?

A small picture in the big picture of Erdogan’s Turkey

The judicial arm of the Erdogan leadership has decided to make an example of Istar Gözaydin: even the most moderate critics will not be tolerated.

Inside Basmane

Basmane is a district within the city of Izmir (western Turkey), where due to its multicultural heritage and solidarity, many refugees have found safe haven. Photo-essay.

The untold story of how the killing of Abdul Fattah al-Shareef was filmed

The story of the camera, and the campaign that helped reveal the criminal acts perpetrated by Israel's military occupation of the West Bank.

The seeds of the next Arab Spring

A new report suggests that Arab youth continue to be neglected – and that demographic shifts are incubating another political crisis.

Precarious migrant motherhood in Lebanon

Ethiopian migrant domestic workers who give birth to children in Lebanon are caught in a trap between the struggle to bring up a child with no legal status, and the difficulty of exiting the country.

ما الّذي ارتكبته عزّة؟: عزّة سليمان، نسويّة فريدة من نوعها في خطر

لقد ولّد تصاعد المضايقة ضدّ عزّة سليمان العديد من ردود الفعل الغاضبة والمتفاجئة. ولكن "ما الّذي ارتكبته عزّة؟" هذا سؤال أودّ الإجابة عليه. English

The knockout punch to the Libyan political agreement

If the LPA is not quickly and substantially amended to allow a new executable agreement to be reached, its end will have been written from within its own chapters.

Syria: prospects and solutions

The optimal outcome of the conflict in Syria is for democratic elections to take place and the regime to step down. But what are the real prospects of this happening?

As the world turns towards the right: what future for the "refugee crisis"?

The “refugee crisis” is portrayed as a new phenomenon plaguing Europe, but it is another episode in an old crisis of injustice and rights.

Some initial thoughts before a Trump presidency

If – and this is a big if – Democrats continue mobilizing immigrant voters of color, this election will be a reactionary blip in a longer-term pluralization and democratization of America.

Pain and torture: state violence in Egypt

The root of state violence and torture is not poor police training, nor a political decision that can be reversed, it is the nature of the regime and the political order it has created.

Fighting on all fronts: women’s resistance in Syria

Women in Syria face numerous challenges yet continue to struggle against fascism, imperialism and patriarchy

Make Russia great again? Aleppo and a plea from another world

During the last days of December, Russia will host a round of diplomatic talks with Iran and Turkey.

UN Security Council condemns Israeli settlements

The historic resolution passed after the US abstained.

Please stop saying that Turkey is gone!

The types of adjectives generally accompanying articles about the Middle East create a core of “knowledge” that is a distorted and narrow reality.

A tribute to Sadek Jalal al ‘Azm

Engaging with Sadek never ceased to be a delight, a charmer who caught you with his sharpness and wit. How often have I wished to freeze that year I spent in Holland. In memoriam.

The murder in Ankara is vultures coming home to roost

Russia’s “wins” have largely been destructive and destabilising. The assassination of its ambassador to Turkey shows consequences are never far behind.

Whatever is happening to the Egyptians?

As the Egyptian economy delves deeper into crisis, society is increasingly fragmented.

Sports and politics

While the regime in Bahrain is using sports to advance its own agenda, in Egypt the state is actively ensuring the elimination of its football fan base.

The military industrial complex

As Egypt’s economy slumps further into crisis, the military continues to slowly but surely expand its empire across all segments of the economy, be it education, medicine, staple foods, and others.

Help us rename Arab Awakening!

Do you have any ideas for an alternative name? Let us know what you think! We are collecting suggestions and will announce the new name soon!

India and Israel - bedfellows indeed

The Israeli treatment of Palestinians might serve as an ideal vantage point to scrutinize Indian rule over Kashmir.

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