Wyniki wyszukiwania
  1. Here are some other victims of that the movie missed. Victims of greed. Destroyers of .

  2. We need to stop all new development of fossil fuel reserves to meet goals.

  3. imports of oil are rising. You can't complain about poisoning the world if you buy the poison!

  4. Tribes concerned stripping grizzly bears of federal protections will lead to mining on sacred lands

  5. Gus is worried about selfishness, greed and apathy.

  6. "Invest in clean energy jobs" says . Out with the old, in with the new.

  7. No country on Earth is taking the 2 degree climate target seriously via

  8. Going on on tonight to talk about the movement

  9. Looking to the sky for clean energy is becoming cheaper then digging up death! ...

  10. Now, more than ever, we need to stand together and fight for our planet - and each other.

  11. Forget Paris, Scientists Say 'Radical Change' Is The Only Way to Stay Below 2 Degrees

  12. The energy policy we need can be summed up in five words: Keep it in the ground.

  13. If governments are serious about , they must stop fossil fuel expansion NOW. Take action:

  14. Cz inwestor podzieli się zyskami z węgla płacąc za żywność, której nas pozbawi?

  15. Bez wody bedziemy się bić o jedzenie a nie o żołnierzy wyklętych

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