Prof Peter Strachan


Prof-Energy Policy 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇪🇺 l Researching Energy, Business & Society I Opinions my own l RT's & likes not endorsements; just stuff I find of interest

Scotland, United Kingdom
Se unió en junio de 2014


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  1. Tweet fijado
    13 abr.

    Sir David Attenborough “Things are going to get worse" "This is the new extinction & we are half way through it. We are in terrible, terrible trouble & the longer we wait to do something about it the worse it is going to get.”

  2. retwitteó

    South Australia electricity prices go negative for nearly six hours as wind and solar account for all of demand on a mild Autumn day..

  3. retwitteó
    hace 10 horas

    A big yet short term win would be hugely helpful. Cuts in methane are essential, if we are serious about the COP21 target of "well below 2 deg C. Reducing our use of natural gas is the best way to reduce methane emissions.

  4. retwitteó
    29 abr.

    Libya has gone from mostly not desert in 1920 to mostly desert in 2013. Lake Chad, which sits on the southern edge of the Sahara, shrank dramatically from 9,600 square miles in the 1970s to less than 770 square miles in the 1990s.

  5. retwitteó
    hace 16 horas
  6. retwitteó
    hace 24 horas

    Climate change emissions are so all-pervasive it can't be tackled just with renewables & loft-lagging We need to look after the soil and natural habitats "There's three times more carbon stored in soil than there is in the atmosphere"

  7. retwitteó
    hace 10 horas

    Yes, I totally agree. By the way, the easiest way to reduce methane emissions is to cut back on use of natural gas.

  8. retwitteó
    4 feb.

    Our video on key messages for a low-emission future is out! What future for 🇪🇺 & ? What potential for decarbonsing H/C cost-efficiently until 2050? research provides clear evidence for answ. these questions! Watch it:

    , , y 7 más
  9. retwitteó
    29 abr.

    Yes – the UK’s future energy is a sourcing challenge. ---> much more , and is needed due to the failure of energy in the UK. Not more . >

  10. retwitteó
    hace 6 horas

    If you wonder where the 's 2030 goal comes from, it is this 2009 paper But paper states on last page that the speed of transition depends on policies. Aggressive policies -> 20-30 yrs; Modest policies-> 40-50 yrs from 2009

  11. retwitteó
    hace 9 horas

    The votes 5-0 for 12 GW new wind, solar, storage, geothermal by 2030 to help meet 2045 100% clean, renewable energy law, with 60% by 2030. via

  12. retwitteó
    25 abr.

    Greta Thunberg : "Avoiding will require cathedral thinking. We must lay the foundation while we may not know exactly how to build the ceiling."

  13. retwitteó
    hace 9 horas

    Los Angeles new goals Electrify 100% of school buses, taxis, trash/recycling trucks by 2028 Electrify 100% of Metro, LADOT buses by 2030 Have a fossil-free zone by 2030 Add 10,000 chargers by 2022 All part of the plan

  14. retwitteó
    27 abr.

    “Around 2030, 10 years, 252 days, & 10 hours away from now, we will be in a position where we set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will most likely lead to the end of our civilization as we know it.”

  15. retwitteó
    hace 4 horas
  16. retwitteó
    hace 2 horas

    Welsh Government declare climate emergency. Good! But you can't declare a climate emergency, then go ahead with one of the most damaging roads for a generation: M4 over Gwent Levels If you do, it's just meaningless waffle

  17. retwitteó
    hace 4 horas
  18. retwitteó
    hace 10 horas
  19. retwitteó
    hace 6 horas

    "Everything we can do is good" but we need at least 80% transition to clean, renewable energy by 2030 & 100% by 2050 while simultaneously eliminating non-energy emis Beto O'Rourke's new climate plan: Carbon emissions to net zero in 30 y ?

  20. retwitteó
    29 abr.

    Nature loss: Launch of major report to highlight 'natural & human emergency' "I would say that this is the most comprehensive assessment on the state of & 's place in it"

  21. retwitteó
    hace 2 horas

    ”Up to a million species face extinction, many within decades.” A new UN report concludes ”the destruction of nature threatens humanity.” Where are the headlines? Where are the emergency meetings?


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