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LA Bucket Brigade Jan 12
Even former Senator Mary Landrieu acknowledges that is inevitable. She said 1 day we'll be off the stuff.
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annerolfes Jan 12
Oil industry money can't buy off the people.
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350Australia Jan 12
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LA Bucket Brigade Jan 12
Here's some good news! Let's go renewables.
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Daazhraii 22h
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Jean Su 22h
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relombardo Jan 20
The Revolution Is Here. The Waves Of Change Are Splashing Down Upon All Of Us.
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Climate Guardians Jan 20
As governments are failing to act the community will need to step up to protect itself. No new coal mines!
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Paul Dawson Jan 20
Arctic Ocean could be ice-free by mid-century
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Paul Dawson Jan 19
Donald Trump’s mission? To keep the US in the fossil age.
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relombardo Jan 19
Wisconsin Tribe Wants Pipeline Moved From It's Reservation. 🌲🐻🐾✨🐺🐟🌎
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relombardo Jan 19
Water Belongs To The Children ~Eddie Blackcloud Sr 🌲🐻🐾🎆🐺🐟🌎
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Mike Hudema Jan 19
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Paul Dawson Jan 19
‘A cat in hell’s chance’ – why we’re losing the battle to keep below 2C.
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Mike Hudema Jan 16
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