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News Online 11 Dec 2016

Work deadlines, parties, Christmas shopping and exhaustion. Many of us are looking for a better way to do this time of year. Living by your core values could be a way to enjoy the holiday se… More

News Online 6 Dec 2016

How we use our smartphone can say a lot about our behaviour. But can such tech be trusted to track our mental health? More

ABC Religion and Ethics 1 Dec 2016

To conserve is to ameliorate more than eradicate, to sustain more than transform. Conserving disability affirms human embodied variation and distinctiveness, not because it is the given, but… More

News Online 19 Nov 2016

Murray O'Hanlon's family breakdown made him reluctant to share his story with others, until he worked out that opening up would save him. More

News Online 7 Nov 2016

Finding focus in an age of distraction not only helps you get things done, but can help you achieve your goals. More

News Online 20 Oct 2016

It's easy to disconnect when you're on holiday, but how can we manage our technology in regular life so we're not slaves to our phones? More

Counterpoint 17 Oct 2016

Websters dictionary describes the word passion as : '...a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement or one that causes you to act in a dangerous way' A leading international Philosopher and… More

News Online 13 Oct 2016

Claims that gin lovers are more likely to be psychopaths are just another case of science media misreporting which should be a tonic to any tipplers who were worried by the news. More

Ockham's Razor 21 Aug 2016

Why do we have a mind? It's a question that not many of us think to ask. Unlike much of our body, the human mind is not a given, and requires help from the social world in order to develop. … More

News Online 19 Aug 2016

From TV presenters to Olympic athletes, all women are subjected to scrutiny and inappropriate commentary on their appearance, writes Deirdre Fidge. More

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Don't overdo that New Year's resolution

Don't overdo that New Year's resolution (Overnights)

Getting fit is a popular New Year's resolution. But what are the dangers of doing too much exercise too soon?

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