make smartphone text bigger

Lisa Du is director of ReadyTechGo, a service that helps people gain the confidence and skills to embrace modern technology.

Ever find yourself squinting at the screen trying to decipher the tiny text on your smartphone? Or do you always need to whip out your reading glasses to properly view the contents of your iPad?

Well, there’s a solution, and it exists for both Apple and Android devices: enlarging your text. This feature allows you to increase the font size of the text on your device across all apps and screens, making it easier to read. Find out how to enable it on your device below!

Apple devices

  1. Go to your Settings app.
  2. Tap on “General”.
  3. Tap on “Accessibility”.
  4. Tap on “Larger Text”.
  5. Drag the slider on the screen to the right to enlarge the text, or to the left to reduce the text size.

For even larger options, tap on the button to the right of “Larger Accessibility Sizes”. The slider will now have a larger range of text sizes. Drag the slider left or right according to your preferences.

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Android devices

  1. Tap on Apps
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Tap on “Display”
  4. Tap on “Font Size”

Choose between the different available sizes: small, normal, large and huge.

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Were you aware of this trick? Now that you know, do you think you’ll use it? Let us know in the comments section below, we’d love to hear from you.

For more information about ReadyTechGo, visit their website here.

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