Best dressed men at the 2017 Portsea Polo

If you're not wearing rolled up white chinos, are you really at the polo?

Along with pastel blazers, a smattering of floral prints and a serious flashing of accessories, that was the general vibe at this year's annual Portsea Polo match, held down on the affluent coast of the Mornington Peninsula outside Melbourne.

Hosted by the twin bastions of Italian style, Peroni and Alfa Romeo – who have taken over from former sponsor Jeep – the event had a distinctly 'Portofino Lite' look and feel.

But a special shout out must go to Shane Warne who, ever the maverick, turned up to the Peroni Marquee wearing black jeans and t-shirt. Someone must have forgotten to pass on the memo.


A photo posted by Shane Warne (@shanewarne23) on

Laid back and lightweight

Far less rigorous about enforcing traditional dress codes than the spring racing carnival, the Portsea Polo is a chance for lads to try their hand at more lighthearted garb.

Nowhere was this more apparent than in the footwear – loafers and boat shoes abound with the odd designer sneaker thrown in for cheeky measure. With all the bare ankles on display you'd be forgiven for thinking that socks were banned.

Tailored shorts were perfectly acceptable, which, after a somewhat unpredictable start to the day's weather, was maybe a smart move as the skies cleared up and the heat kicked in in the afternoon.

Accessories abound

While white was clearly the winning colour of the day, muted pastels came in a close second particularly shades of pink. Salmon hued shorts and coral coloured blazers were particularly key.

Men were also unafraid to go wild with their accessories, with plenty of piled on bracelets, watches and multiple rings on display. For the most part, ties were out but pocket squares remained a mandatory feature.

Men of influence

Hidden among the throngs, old-guard style still held the turf amongst the influencers and Insta-stars such as the ever-stylish model Sam Wines.

Wines, who was the official fashion insider for the event, maintained a brave face in a double-breasted blazer and tie despite the growing heat. It's a tough gig, posing all day, but he made the best of a sweaty situation.

Rock the cas' bar

While some may have pushed the 'casual' bar a little too far, wearing the kind of gear you'd more likely see at a family BBQ (ahem, Chris Judd) most of the men in attendance did the team proud.

Although if you asked any of them who actually won the match you'd probably draw looks blanker than marquee door staff when constantly asked "don't you know who I am?" by punters trying their luck.

Check out the gallery above to see some of the best dressed men spotted at the Portsea Polo.

The writer was a guest of Peroni.