Daily Life

Caitlyn Jenner to attend Donald Trump inauguration

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Caitlyn Jenner, in an effort to advocate for transgender rights, is in Washington and will attend Donald Trump's Presidential Inauguration on Friday, her publicist, Alan Nierob, confirmed to USA TODAY Sports. Jenner does not have official plans to meet with Trump, whom she has met and knows well from the business mogul's time in the entertainment industry.

Jenner became one of the most well known transgender voices in the US after announcing her transition in 2015.

The athlete turned television star, who was previously known as Bruce Jenner, famously won the Olympic gold medal in the decathlon in 1976 and has remained in the public spotlight ever since, now appearing on a reality show, I Am Cait.

Jenner attended Thursday night's candlelight dinner, Nierob said.

A long-time Republican who spoke at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July, Jenner was invited to the inauguration by the American United Fund, a non-profit "dedicated to advancing the cause of freedom for LGBT Americans by making the conservative case that freedom truly means freedom for everyone".


Jenner is hopeful that she will have an opportunity to preach her mission to help LGBT Americans, Nierob said. That could include discussions about anti-transgender bills in state legislatures.

North Carolina's House Bill 2 law forbids transgender individuals from using bathrooms of the sex in which they identify. Texas has proposed a similar bill that aims to protect companies' religious freedom and keep "sexual predators" away from women and children in public restrooms.

In an interview in June with STAT, Jenner said: "Trump seems to be very much for women. He seems very much behind the LGBT community because of what happened in North Carolina with the bathroom issue."

Despite speaking out against House Bill 2 in an NBC interview, in a July interview with The News and Observer of Raleigh Trump said, "I'm with the states on things like this."

Presidential election exit polls indicated 14 per cent of LGBT members voted for Trump compared to 77 per cent for Hillary Clinton.

Trump himself has supported gay rights to a degree -- he reaffirmed his acceptance of the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage in a 60 Minutes interview and said in his Republican National Convention acceptance speech that he was dedicated to protecting "our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression".

During his series of campaign rallies, Trump carried a rainbow-themed LGBT flag on stage in Greeley, Colorado. However, concern from LGBT activists has been directed at one of the most conservative proposed cabinets in recent memory, one that a Boston Globe editorial referred to as "a who's who of homophobia".

USA Today