0428 278 630

Dr Edward Bassingthwaighte

Holistic Home Visit Vet

Such a caring, calm man ~ our dogs instantly loved him.

Jan Davenport

Holistic Home Visit Vet


Dr Edward has worked in small animal practice for the last 14 years. He graduated from the University of Queensland in 1995, and spent a short time being kicked by dairy cows before he decided that large animal work was not his cup of tea. He grew up on a cattle property in North Queensland near Charters Towers, and has been living and working with animals all of his life.

Apart from being a vet, Dr Edward is the proud dad of a 9-year-old son from his first marriage. He has been married again for some time, more than happily. He is a singer/songwriter, loves gardening, and likes to paint. He is owned by Pearl (a very graceful, willfully disobedient Whippet), Mitzi (an out of control Shitzu/Silky cross), and Patches & Kettle (remarkable and wonderful cats who enjoy having human slaves to tend their every need).

Many clients remark that Dr Edward has a way with animals quite unlike any other vet they have ever seen. Pets who are normally fearful, or who would never approach a stranger are drawn to him like flies to honey; as if they know that he understands their needs better than anyone else. Not many vets have an intuitive ability to connect with and
understand animals like Dr Edward.

This is what Dr Edward has to say about why he became an holistic home visit vet.

Hi! I’m Dr Edward, your holistic home visit vet. I’ve been a small animal vet for 14 years. For the first 7 years I worked in vet hospitals – all sorts of hospitals in Australia and the UK, from a grubby little hole in a very poor, rough neighbourhood, through to large, state of the art facilities in the heart of London. I saw thousands of patients! Nearly all of them showed signs of stress and fear when they had to come into the vet hospital.(These signs are sometimes so subtle that most people don’t even notice them.) You may see ta change in your pet as soon as they realise where you are taking them.

I have seen these signs over and over again, in all the hospitals I have ever worked in. Have you noticed any of the following with pets going to the vet? Becoming fearful when they realise where you are going to the vet? Dilated pupils? Unwillingness to enter a carry cage, yowling? Losing their bowels and/or bladder control (in a carry cage, on the floor at the hospital, etc.)? Dribbling? Having to be carried, dragged, or otherwise forced to enter the hospital or consult room? Freezing up in a huddled crouch, with head down, and ears back? Displaying aggressive behaviour towards vets, or other people in the waiting room, and/or other animals? Getting over excited and out of control, jumping all over people, causing a ruckus? Clinging like a limpet to their owners?

I couldn’t deal with facing stressed, scared pets any more; so I started a home visit veterinary practice in Townsville seven years ago. Seeing relaxed, happy, confident pets in their own space was a revelation. To be honest, at first I worried that I wouldn’t be able to do the job as well without a hospital, but I quickly found out that more than 95% of cases could be easily, professionally dealt with during a home visit. I can count the times in my life I have actually had to go into a human hospital for treatment on one hand. Nearly always, my GP can give me all the help I need to be well. It is the same for your pets! You should only put them through the stress of a hospital visit when you really need to.

“Thank Goodness for Dr Edward, the Home Visit Vet. Convenient, affordable, professional, and most importantly my pets are seen in a stress free environment. Thanks so much, from all of us.”

~ Sandi Wickman