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John Scalzi
I enjoy pie.
I enjoy pie.

John's posts

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I am now exactly one month into my book tour, with another week to go. Wheee! Not entirely unrelated, I've written a piece for the Los Angeles Times about doing a book tour, and what the people who come to see authors might not know about them. Enjoy!

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Every year on my blog I do a "Reader Request Week," in which I encourage readers to leave a question they'd want me to answer (on any topic at all), and then I go through the questions and make posts on the topics I'm asked about. I'm doing this next week, and if you'd like to ask a question, follow the link and post your question there (NOT here). I'll start answering questions on Monday, April 10!

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In case you were wondering how The Collapsing Empire did in its first week, here's the answer: Sales records broken, bestseller status achieved, and TV deal gotten. All the details at the link!

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The audiobook of The Collapsing Empire is the #2 audiobook on Audible, which (inasmuch as Audible is about 90% of the audiobook market in the US) means it's probably the #2 audiobook in the entire country right now. I'm pretty happy about that. Tomorrow we find out if TCE hits the New York Times list. The sales are good, but getting onto NYT list is not just about my sales (it's the sales of other books, too). Regardless, this has been a very good first week for my book, and I'm very happy (and lucky). 

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Today is release day for The Collapsing Empire in the US and Canada (the UK gets a release on Thursday). It's available right now in hardcover and eBook at your local book store and all your favorite online retailers. It's also available in audiobook, narrated by Wil Wheaton. I'm really excited that the book is now out and everyone can read. I like it a lot and hope you will too.

Remember also that I'm touring the US to promote the book, starting today and going all through April. If you want to see where and when, check out my Tour page on my Web site (link below). I hope to see you out there!

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If you have an hour to kill -- and who doesn't? -- here's a long video interview with me from the SFF180 site, talking about The Collapsing Empire. For cat fans, one of the Scamperbeats makes a cameo about five and a half minutes in. Enjoy!

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And now for something completely different: My friend Joan of Dark (old roller derby name) has a knitting show called "Drunk Knitting," in which she and a guest drink and knit and talk. I don't drink alcohol (Krissy sits in as my stunt drinker), but I attempt knitting and talk about Centaur butts and getting covered in frosting on Neil Gaiman's lawn. It's fun! Check it out.

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So, the folks at Tor want to give you enough of my books that you can do a construction project with them:

(US/Canada only, I'm afraid. Yes, I know, everyone else. Sorry)

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NEWS: I'm adding two stops to my book tour for The Collapsing Empire: Santa Fe, NM and Southfield, MI! Details here:

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Meet this year's nominees for the Nebula Awards. It's a pretty great list!
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