New Books and ARCs, 12/30/16

And here it is: The final stack of books and ARCs for 2016. Is there anything here that calls to you? Tell us in the comments!

11 thoughts on “New Books and ARCs, 12/30/16

  1. @Susan Beaty: It’s a fantastic epic fantasy series that does take a bit of effort to get into. The writer kind of throws you in the middle of the story without explaining much, but the pay off for pushing through is beautiful…

  2. You have a Holver Alley Crew ARC! Woo! I haven’t even received one yet. (Of course, I haven’t been home in a week, so it might be sitting on my porch…)
    For the curious, it’s the first in a new series in my Maradaine setting….

  3. I bet my other half would like to get your copy of THE HOLVER ALLEY CREW by Marshall Ryan Maresca. I’m amused by Maresca’s comment above. ;-)

  4. Tales of the Malazan was epic in all proportions / world building / characters / storyline. Took me a long time to get thru them all, (Couple of years) but I agree the payoff is beautiful as well as unusual. Memortality sound interesting…..

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