Household incomes stagnate

Malcolm Turnbull may find  the election's mood of distrust with politics and business as usual is only likely to intensify.
Malcolm Turnbull may find the election's mood of distrust with politics and business as usual is only likely to intensify.

The mood of populist political anger helping to fuel the Trump insurgency is making even the most faithful of Democrats think the unthinkable. Hillary Clinton might yet lose to a supposedly unelectable Donald Trump.

But this is due to a lot more than Trump's made-for-TV persona or his passionate rhetoric blaming everything from too much immigration to too much free trade to too much greed from bankers. The sense of community disillusionment with the status quo is also being fomented by a substantive change in household incomes over a decade. And that's a phenomenon affecting most advanced economies.

This is not just about the evidence of rising inequality within these economies (as is also true with most developing economies) as the rich get much richer.

According to a new study by the McKinsey Global Institute, it's also about average household incomes not increasing over time in the manner experienced by previous generations.

Instead, real market incomes were flat or actually fell for about two thirds of households in 25 advanced economies between 2005 and 2014. That compares with less than 2 per cent experiencing this result between 1993 and 2005.

Sizeable chunk

The study defines real market incomes as wages and income from capital – as opposed to taxes and government payments. In most cases, that sort of government assistance or lower taxes reduced the percentage of those with flat or declining disposable income down from 65 to 70 per cent to around 20 per cent to 25 per cent on average.

But that is still a sizeable chunk of the global advanced economy population when compared to the 2 per cent figure of the previous decade. And as the authors point out, the extraordinarily high level of government debt, especially after the 2008 financial crisis, makes it doubtful how long that level of support can continue. Let alone tax cuts!

There has also been a disproportionate impact of this on less educated workers, especially younger ones.

The result is that a large percentage of a younger generation is at risk of being poorer than their parents. Of course, that's not how most parents – and their kids – believe the system is supposed to work. Just ask anyone over 15.

It is also a contrast to what is happening in many developing economies, most obviously China, over the last decade, as a new and massive middle class emerges from the poverty of previous generations. This has created huge global as well as national economic benefits – with the promise of far more to come if managed well.

Painful concepts

But the dislocation being felt by many in the West due to changes in technology, demand, competition, education and jobs is also real. For all the advantages, "disruptive business models" and globalisation can become highly personalised and painful concepts.

The global financial crisis, followed by, at best, an anaemic recovery, explains much of what has happened in advanced economies. But the study also cites other powerful factors that are at least as difficult for policymakers to try to affect. That includes longer term demographic changes, including smaller households with few working age adults, lower levels of demand, a lower share of GDP flowing to wages, weak demand for low and medium skilled labour and lower investment returns and business income.

Before the recession, for example, GDP growth contributed about 18 percentage points on average to median household income growth in the US and Europe. In the seven years since, that fell to four percentage points and even that modest gain was eroded by labour market and demographic shifts.

Even in the relative bright spot of the US, for example, with per capita growth rebounding and unemployment returning to pre-crisis levels by last year, median market incomes remained flat between 2011 and 2014. Yet upper income households experience strong wage growth as low income and middle income segments fell back sharply.

The unknown is whether this pattern will continue – or what could happen to alter that. The study's analysis is hardly reassuring.

"Even if economies resume their historical high growth trajectory, we project that 30 per cent to 40 per cent of income segments may not experience market income gains if the next decade of labour-market shifts such as workplace automation accelerate," it notes. "If the slow growth conditions of 2005 to 2012 persist, as much as 70 to 80 per cent of income segments in advanced economies may experience flat or falling market incomes to 2025."

Negative views

That assessment of future economic opportunities may prove overly gloomy and too backwards-weighted – as history has a habit of showing us.

But not surprisingly, more than half of the people who felt their incomes were not advancing and did not expect the situation to improve for the next generation held negative views about the impact of trade and immigration.

So the majority of these people agreed with the statement that foreign goods and services were leading to domestic job losses as well as with the notion that legal immigrants were ruining the culture and cohesiveness of society.

The impact on Australian household incomes was not broken out in this McKinsey study. Clearly Australia was unusual in its ability to avoid a recession, largely boosted by the China resources boom. It also has a relatively generous system of tax transfers to lower and middle income households and a highly progressive tax system.

But with average annual wages growth so low, the national terms of trade and per capita income falling and the budget in great difficulty, the election's mood of distrust with politics and business as usual is only likely to intensify.

Malcolm Turnbull may find that Australia to be a little more exciting than he bargained on.