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John Lloyd IV 21h
I never thought I would RT Donald , but this one was worth it this evening!
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бэnnydiэgø 📎 Jan 18
Anyone who attends his inauguration supports this. This is not normal. This is not acceptable.
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Scott Dworkin 16h
Friends in the Resistance... Please RETWEET if you agree.
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Sandraن Jan 19
Rep John Lewis only accepts rigging elections when the Democrats do it
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John Lloyd IV Jan 17
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Christian Toto 59m
Love trumps ha----' ow! Was that a brick?
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Barry Deutsch 1h
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Jack Miller 2h
"Hands too small, can't build the wall" - my new favorite cheer.
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Amir 2h
won't change much, if we don't change ourselves first. I don't plan to fight fascism only to make way for neoliberals again.
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jack @ thistlewine 2h
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Jack Miller 3h
The left is just so much more fun than the right. Dance party down Mass Ave? Hell yeah.
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Jeff Black 3h
"Today We Inaugurate" Our unyielding The inflection point For a country diverted Conned Corrupted Cashed-in & sold-out We say NO
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John Weaver 4h
Dark, scary, authoritarian. Legally the president, not legitimately. We outnumber if band together. Resist what isn't normal.
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ChuckModi 4h
Including those who voted for him.
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Holden Mirror 5h
These Trump Admin connections to Russia are THICK
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Rocky 5h
Prayers for the safety of ALL PROTESTERS around the World!!
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deemoney #TeamPerez 5h
I give . Such respect for going to this moron's inauguration!
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John Lloyd IV 5h
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Blot Of Mustard 5h
Attn fighters: feeding the trolls doesn't help. Eyes on the prize. Please RT this if u agree,
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Katie Klabusich 5h
White folks: this is our job to call out. No more letting your racist uncle's jokes go, no more turning away from this shit.
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