
An average budget is not enough: it must address Australia's rising debt

Australia needs a plan to prepare for the inevitable economic downturn.

Many elections end up with a badge that captures the nub of public opinion – think "It's Time", the Vietnam War and WorkChoices. I reckon for this election the overarching issue will be Australia's rising debt.

The day before budget

Just what are politicians saying a day out from the 2016 budget? Courtesy ABC News 24.

A fair dinkum plan to cut the debt is what is required. There is no need to panic but at the same time Australia cannot afford to keep putting off what needs to be done.

Deficits are not new. We've only had 19 surpluses since federation. Ten of those were thanks to John Howard. Rudd, Gillard and Keating all left huge debts. Labor and the Greens have stifled any reform in the past two years but the reforms put in place by Howard boosted productivity and Australia worked itself back into the black. Cutting spending, and key reforms in workplace relations plus incentives to work and save clearly played big roles in improved economy performance.

Man in the hot seat: Treasurer Scott Morrison will deliver the budget on Tuesday night.
Man in the hot seat: Treasurer Scott Morrison will deliver the budget on Tuesday night.  Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

In the lead-up to Tuesday's budget, Moody's rating agency raised the possibility of Australia losing its AAA rating. It's not the first time we have heard this warning. Well-respected banker David Murray said last year that Australia's AAA rating "is looking increasingly vulnerable" and Goldman Sachs warned that our AAA rating could be under review.

I am less negative than Moody's about Australia's prospects, but at the same time I can't help but think that having enjoyed 24 years of continual prosperity, the day that we experience an economic downturn comes ever closer and we need to do more to prepare for the inevitable.

How to react to warnings like Moody's is a key difference between the political parties. The Coalition's bottom line is that spending needs be controlled so that over time the deficit will be reduced. This emanates from the same worries that encouraged a lot of people to start saving more than usual when the GFC got going.

Labor's position is that debt is not much of an issue and its priority is to provide more services in health and education and other spending priorities which they will pay for by tax increases.

The Labor record has not been good. In the run-up to the 2007 election Rudd claimed Labor would be a responsible and disciplined economic manager compared with the "reckless" spending of John Howard. Howard left Labor with money in the bank and after six years every cent had been spent, taxpayers' money had been squandered and budgets left in tatters.

And in the lead-up to the 2013 election, the government was forecasting a surplus. That final Rudd/Gillard/Rudd budget in May 2013 was the ultimate fiscal con. The deficit was said to drop to $19.4 billion in 2013/2014, then a near balance of $800 million in 2015/2016 and then a $6.6 billion surplus in 2016/2017. What a sick joke that became. 

Today's debt is now more than $400 billion – and rising – and Labor continues to block any savings proposed by an elected government.

Last year's federal budget deficit was $35 billion, economic growth was forecast at 2.75 per cent and unemployment was expected to fall from 6.5 per cent. The outcome has turned out OK for both unemployment, which has dropped, and the GDP, which is now just over 3 per cent. In comparison with most other first-world economies, Australia seems to be in not too bad a position.

While the budget retreated on cutting spending, the tax concession for tradies became the symbol of the 2015 budget. But within a few months, the budget was of so little consequence with little boost to the standing of Tony Abbott that the prime minister, his treasurer Joe Hockey and the enthusiastic small business minister Bruce Bilson were all on their way out of politics.

The lesson from last year is that an average budget is just not enough. The public want to be convinced that the government will really make a difference and boldly confront the challenges we face today.

In the end, the public will ask themselves who do they prefer: Malcolm Turnbull, the successful businessman, or Bill Shorten, the union leader?

Peter Reith is a Fairfax Media columnist and a former Howard government minister.


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