
Global Citizenship


The Stories We Love to Tell

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I am proud of the progress we have made in Citizenship throughout the last six years. Our Citizenship journey has been an evolution, not revolution, in which we incrementally improve year to year in incorporating Citizenship into our culture.


Always on the Road Less Traveled

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On Founder's Day, we celebrate the many great achievements since the firm’s beginning. It is also a time to reflect on our roots and the attributes that make us distinctly Edelman.

More Global Citizenship Posts

FY15 Citizenship Report

Changing Tomorrow’s Story

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Today we launched our fifth annual citizenship report. We have embedded citizenship in our culture since 1952 and, five years ago, we committed to take an even more robust citizenship journey.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day

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Today is Veterans Day in the U.S. – a day we honor people who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. I want to express my deep appreciation and gratitude to our veterans and military families.

Dan and Ruth Edelman

Honoring the Legacy of Dan and Ruth Edelman

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On this day 63 years ago, my father established Edelman with the belief that by providing outstanding work, achieving results with talented teams of professionals and giving back to the community, Edelman could become a major company in the growing field of public relations.

John Edelman Change Direction

Change Direction

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I am proud that teams from Edelman Chicago and Edelman Washington, D.C. have partnered with Give an Hour as the pro bono communications partner for The Campaign to Change Direction.

Dan Edelman

Supporting America’s Veterans

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Ninety percent of the surveyed unemployed veterans are still searching for work and 67 percent agree that employers don’t understand how military skills can be applied to the workplace.

Arunachala Animal Sanctuary

Improving Animal Welfare in India

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The Community Investment Grant program offers a window in to the societal issues that our colleagues care about. In 2014, we saw that animal welfare was an important issue to our colleagues in India.

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