POTUS Twitter Changes Hands For First Time In History

Donald Trump becomes only the second person to use that handle.

21/01/2017 5:37 AM AEDT | Updated 18 hours ago
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Donald Trump just became the 45th president of the United States, which means for the first time since its inception, the @POTUS Twitter account has changed hands.

Mere seconds after his noon swearing-in, the @POTUS account has Trump's name on it.


Despite this, Trump has said repeatedly that he does not plan to use the @POTUS account and will continue to use his personal account, @realDonaldTrump, to communicate with the nation.

On @realDonaldTrump, he has over 20 million followers and has blocked dozens of individuals for various reasons.

Trump said earlier this week that he "doesn't like tweeting," despite the frequency at which he does it. He tweets, he said, because he gets "very dishonest media, very dishonest press."

"It's my only way that I can counteract," he told "Fox & Friends."

In addition to the @POTUS handle, other accounts ― including @FLOTUS, @VP, @WhiteHouse and @PressSec ― have also transferred over to the Trump administration.

This doesn't mean the tweets from the Obama administration will disappear. They've been archived on new accounts called @ObamaWhiteHouse, @POTUS44, @VP44 and @FLOTUS44.

So we can still hold on to hope with gems like these:

Long live @POTUS44. Don't @ me.

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