EPISODE 1 - They have come to stay
EPISODE 1 - They have come to stay | Sunday 11 April at 8:30pm
The first Australians and the British, the most powerful Empire in history, come face to face in Sydney on January 26, 1788. Their differences are immense but apprehension quickly turns to curiosity. Friendships form, some between powerful men such as Governor Arthur Phillip and the Aboriginal Bennelong. But by the time this pair leave for London three years later, relations between the two races have soured. The bloodshed worsens as settlers spread out across the land.
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shelly belly from america says:
jolly good show
Michelle Baker from 3178 says:
I'm sorry
Dee from Armidale says:
I hadnt heard of this series until it was mentioned to me in my course that i am studying at university. I have the book and am now watching the series. I find it a very well presented and well researched program! I think it is a great resource for my course! Well Done!!
Gifty from Canberra says:
Kinamantara from Sydney says:
Hi, a lot of people keep posting borderline racist, and outwardly racist videos online about my people. And it's becoming depressing. Though a lot of the current problems in my society today are I admit, self perpetuating, though this was because of a series of horrible events on both sides that cannot be undone.... I want to maintain hope that long ago, we dreamed dreams pure and vibrant as any ancient people, and someday people will become and be seen as the people we could have been. Thank you for making this documentary. I shall hold my head high.
Erina from Bexley says:
For those who viewed the series, hands up who didn't cry. In fact there was one night when i couldn't watch it any more because of the blatant disregard for another persons life. Could anyone for one moment think about how it would feel to be hunted down because your only worth is seen as an object for sport (bounty) and monetary gain. I congratulate the Aboriginal Academics for their true portrayal of realism. Aboriginal people are both beautiful and proud, regardless of how the media portrays them. Congratulations to those who participated in developing the series. My daughter actually bought me the Edition of First Australians for Christmas.I would be interested in stats (the number of TV's that were tuned in to SBS when the series was running?
Jo from Brunswick Heads says:
This is the most powerful and deeply moving documentary series that I can remember seeing. Everyone should see it. Australians don't know enough about their history, and how Australia came to be as it is today. All I remember from high school history education is World War 2 in Europe and the ancient Egyptians. This docu should be part of high school curriculum. Thankyou
Linda Wilson from Bald Hills 4036 says:
I felt this story was so informative and at times made me feel very guilty that so many people had been killed for no real reason as it showed the aboriginal people were very happy to con exist with the whites, and now I have a better understanding of the first fleet and what went wrong. maybe one day we can all live and co exist together that is my hope. HOw i dont know but there is always hope.
James from Shenton Park says:
This is AMAZING! To have a programme/book about Australian history that isn't essentialy Ambien is a great achievement!
Emanuele Diamanti from West Perth says:
Thanks for your work. Finally what has really happened got unveiled. I am buying it as it s worth supporting you, your work and these people' s past present and future.
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