What are Promoted Tweets?


  • What are Promoted Tweets?
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    • Promoted Tweets are ordinary Tweets purchased by advertisers who want to reach a wider group of users or to spark engagement from their existing followers.
    • Promoted Tweets are clearly labeled as Promoted when an advertiser is paying for their placement on Twitter. In every other respect, Promoted Tweets act just like regular Tweets and can be retweeted, replied to, liked, and more.

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  • When should I use Promoted Tweets?
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    Promoted Tweets are regular Tweets with the added bonus that they can reach more people who are interested in your business. They should be used to place your best content in front of the audience that matters to you at the right time.

    If your goal is to drive a particular action via Twitter, Promoted Tweets are a great place to promote engaging content that includes a call to action to users.  Using Promoted Tweets you can:

    • Drive website traffic by asking users to click on your best content
    • Offer coupons and deals in the copy of your Tweets
    • Drive leads using Lead Generation Cards
    • Promote sales and giveaways

    If your goal is to drive awareness for your business, Promoted Tweets can do this in a variety of ways:

    • Expand the reach of your content like blog posts, white papers, and more
    • Connect with influencers and brand advocates by ensuring they see your content
    • Promote awareness around events and product launches
    • Ask for retweets to gain an even broader audience for your messages

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  • Where do users see Promoted Tweets?
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    • At the top of relevant search results pages on twitter.com. Promoted Tweets from our advertising partners are called out at the top of some search results pages on Twitter.com and through select ecosystem partners.
    • In Search Results for a Promoted Trend. Users may also see a Promoted Tweet in the search results when they click on a Promoted Trend.
    • Home Timelines. Promoted Tweets may be visible within a user’s timeline if an advertiser has promoted a Tweet that is relevant to that user.
    • User profiles. Promoted Tweets will display on select user profiles that fit the targeting credentials configured for a campaign.
    • Official Twitter clients. Promoted Tweets from our advertising partners may also be displayed through Twitter’s official desktop and mobile clients, including Twitter for iPhone, and Twitter for Android, among others.

    Note: It’s possible that a user will see a Promoted Tweet that does not appear on the advertiser’s profile page. Advertisers have the option to send highly targeted and relevant Promoted Tweets to a specific audience only, without that Tweet being sent to all followers. However, any Promoted Tweet a user might see is still a part of Twitter, and can generally be found by searching for the Tweet.

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  • How does Twitter determine which Promoted Tweets to display in a user’s timeline?
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    • A Promoted Tweet will appear in a user’s timeline only if the Tweet is likely to be interesting and relevant to that user.
    • Our platform uses a variety of signals to determine which Promoted Tweets are relevant to users, including what a user chooses to follow, how they interact with a Tweet, what they retweet, and more.

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  • How often will people see Promoted Tweets in their timeline?
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    • We’re focused on providing a great user experience, first and foremost. As a result, we’re being thoughtful in how we display Promoted Tweets in users’ timelines conservative about the number of Promoted Tweets that people see in a single day.
    • Any Promoted Tweet people see in their timeline will appear just once, at or near the top of their timeline. Then, the Promoted Tweet will scroll through the timeline like any other Tweet.

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  • Where in the user timeline will Promoted Tweets appear?
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    • Any Promoted Tweet people see in their timeline will appear just once, at or near the top of their timeline. Then, the Promoted Tweet will scroll through the timeline like any other Tweet. 

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  • Can users dismiss a Promoted Tweet if they see one in their timeline?
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    • Users who dislike a Promoted Tweet can simply dismiss it from their timeline with a single click, using the “Dismiss” button that appears as part of the Tweet.

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  • Can users opt out of seeing Promoted Tweets in their timeline?
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    • We are strongly committed to delivering the most relevant ads to the right user at the right time.
    • Users who dislike a Promoted Tweet can simply dismiss it from their timeline with a single click, but they will not be able to opt out of seeing ads in the timeline.
    • As always, we are paying close attention to how consumers interact with Promoted Tweets and we’ll continue to make iterations and improvements as we better understand consumer reaction. 

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  • How to report Twitter Ads
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    If you have an issue with a Promoted Tweet, please see our How to report Twitter Ads page for more information. 

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