Sussan Ley resigns as Malcolm Turnbull announces entitlements overhaul

Turnbull: Ley's resignation 'appropriate'

Sussan Ley has resigned as health minister and the parliamentary expenses system will be overhauled as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull seeks to cauterise a politically damaging start to 2017.

An independent authority will be set up to oversee expense claims by all federal politicians, who will be required to lodge monthly rather than six-monthly reports.

Computer systems will be upgraded to allow the public to more easily search claims data in the wake of a scandal involving Ms Ley, who used taxpayer money to frequent the Gold Coast, including a now-notorious trip when she purchased an investment property.

Ms Ley's departure creates a vacancy in the Coalition ministry and leaves the 23-strong cabinet with five women.

Sussan Ley has resigned as health minister.
Sussan Ley has resigned as health minister. David Rowe

In a letter to Mr Turnbull, Ms Ley said she did not believe she had broken any rules but accepted that "community annoyance ... [and] anger" over entitlements required a response from government.

Mr Turnbull did not immediately conduct a reshuffle and said he would have more to say on the matter next week.

Cabinet secretary Arthur Sinodinos will continue as interim health minister and some are tipping him as a permanent replacement.

He is close to Mr Turnbull and is viewed as a safe pair of hands, although several MPs told The Australian Financial Review that if Senator Sinodinos was going to be promoted, it would have occurred on Friday.

"Arthur still has baggage in relation to ICAC and Labor would have a field day with that," one Liberal backbencher said.

Ms Ley said she did not believe she had broken any rules but accepted that "community annoyance ... [and] anger" over ...
Ms Ley said she did not believe she had broken any rules but accepted that "community annoyance ... [and] anger" over entitlements required a response from government. Mark Jesser

"Health was a big weak spot during the election and that role also needs a retail politician, which I think even Arthur would admit he's not."

Senator Sinodinos, who was chief of staff to former prime minister John Howard, was stood aside as assistant treasurer in early 2014 after his name was raised in a probe by the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption.

Human Services Minister Alan Tudge and Communications Minister Mitch Fifield have been named as potential candidates for taking on Ms Ley's responsibilities for health, aged care and sport.

Mr Turnbull emerged from his Christmas break on Friday to reveal that Ms Ley had resigned.

Senator Arthur Sinodinos  is a likely replacement for Sussan Ley.
Senator Arthur Sinodinos is a likely replacement for Sussan Ley. Christopher Pearce

The findings of two investigations into Ms Ley's expense claims were not made public and she continues to insist she did not break any rules.

"The government believes the work expenses of parliamentarians, including ministers, should be administered and oversee by an independent agency," Mr Turnbull said in Sydney. "It will monitor and adjudicate all claims by MPs, senators and ministers, ensuring that taxpayers' funds are spent appropriately and in compliance with the rules."

It can hardly be the start to a new year Mr Turnbull was hoping for. After a severe drop in personal popularity and a wafer-thin election win, the Prime Minister ended 2016 on a relative high having notched up legislative wins by passing industrial relations and superannuation bills.

Labor has given in-principle support to proposed changes to the entitlement system, giving them a good change of clearing the Senate after Parliament resumes in early February.

Mr Turnbull said the existing paper-based system was antiquated and would be updated along the lines of what had occurred in Britain.

"If you look at what the UK does ... the information is put up there very promptly," he said.

"I think it runs about two months in arrears, but you can ... see what they have spent and why spent it and so forth. It is very easily searchable. That is what we need to do."

Mr Turnbull's existing cabinet is already the biggest since the Whitlam government and he is widely believed to be disinclined to launch a major reshuffle.

There is speculation that Mr Tudge will be moved into cabinet, creating a vacancy in the outer ministry that could be filled by Angus Taylor, who is assistant minister for cities. Backbencher Michael Sukkar, a conservative, might then be prompted into Mr Taylor's spot, according to a theory being advanced by the right of the party. Senator Linda Reynolds' name has also been raised given the imperative to promote women.

The Christmas lull in Canberra was punctured a week ago, when it was revealed that Ms Ley purchased a property worth nearly $800,000 while on a work trip to the Gold Coast, where her partner also owns property and has business interests.