Malcolm Turnbull warned to broaden ties with US congress, agencies under Trump

Advice for Donald Trump

The Turnbull government needs to reposition Australia's relationship with the United States and broaden ties with Congress and key US agencies outside of usual diplomatic and defence channels to deal with the volatility of the Trump administration, a new report says.

The policy paper from the Australian National University's National Security College, released on the eve of US President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration, warns Australia may be responsible for more of the "heavy lifting" in the alliance, including increased support for US military activities in Asia.

The rhetoric of Mr Trump's nominee for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, on blocking Chinese access to contested South China Sea islands, and contradictory messaging from the Trump administration "will set the tone for the next four years", the report suggests, and Australia needs to broaden the relationship to maintain the stability of the alliance.

The report's authors, including the college's head Rory Medcalf, argue the "fragmentation of US politics means we cannot rely solely on normal channels...We need to keep increasing our traction within Congress, among business leaders, key US agencies and a wide array of opinion shapers".

Malcolm Turnbull was the second world leader to be phoned by Donald Trump thanks in part to Greg Norman.
Malcolm Turnbull was the second world leader to be phoned by Donald Trump thanks in part to Greg Norman.

Senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Malcolm Davis has said if the Trump administration follows through with a more muscular position in Asia, Australia may be asked to cover if American troops are deployed, or asked to give the US more access to military facilities. The report's authors appear to agree with this sentiment.

"[Maintaining the alliance system] will potentially require allies, including Australia, to be seen to do more 'heavy lifting' in the alliance to address Trump's concern that countries are 'free riding' on US power," the report reads. "For instance, Australia could be expected to do more in providing facilities to support US military activities in Asia and globally."

The report warns fragility in the Indo-Pacific region means Australia needs to take more leadership in engaging and creating a network of relationships with Japan, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Singapore, the Philippines and Vietnam.

"[Initiatives] could range from joint exercises and training, capacity building in areas like maritime surveillance with countries like Indonesia and Vietnam, through to intelligence sharing, transfer of defence technology and open co-ordination of positions in regional forums," the report reads.

Another report released this week from ASPI warns an American request to confront China's claims in the South China Sea would test the Turnbull government's "geopolitical fibre" and lays out a number of foreign policy challenges the Coalition may face under Mr Trump.

"They include (but are not limited to) avoiding a 'Chinese wedge', calibrating changes in Australian domestic politics to sustained Australian–US security co-operation, managing future defence costs generated by alliance collaboration, and adjusting to US 'strategic distractions' originating from other regions, an intensification of international terrorism or gradual US strategic decline," the report's authors detail.

Former Australian ambassador to the US Kim Beazley said on Friday that while it would risk arguments with Mr Trump, Australia should use its political capital to influence the direction of the incoming US administration's take in the world.