Toddler Development

Toddler Guide

This quarterly guide to your toddler's second year contains information, tips and useful contacts on your toddler's development between one and two years.

Got questions? Head over to the Essential Baby forums to chat with other parents and carers about anything to do with your toddler, including toilet training, food for babies and toddlers, allergies and intollerances and play & activities.



Parenting a 'spirited' child

People called her "exuberant", "energetic" and "wild". My father-in-law said she had only had two speeds: either flat out, or sleeping.

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Bye bye baby years

Is it tempting fate to rid oneself of all the essential kit a newborn needs?

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How an extrovert can raise an introvert

Introverts are often misunderstood as shy, and sometimes even rude. A timid child can be difficult to build rapport with, but it's important we nurture their sensitive natures.

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crying girl

8 different kinds of tantrums

I never thought I’d say this, but for a brief moment last week, Kim Kardashian and I had something in common: both our kids had public tantrums.

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