Aged care cost time bomb hits boomers

Adult children are demanding higher quality aged care for their elderly parents, advisers say.
Adult children are demanding higher quality aged care for their elderly parents, advisers say. Sean Fennessy

Adult children are paying up to hundreds of thousands of dollars to help fund their parents into aged care, a trend that is expected to accelerate because of rising property costs, increasing demand for high-quality accommodation and the requirement for greater levels of assistance.

Financial advisers report a rising incidence of individuals in their 50s and 60s paying tens of thousands of dollars a year to supplement ongoing aged care costs on behalf of their parents, or hundreds of thousands of dollars to help meet up-front accommodation costs.

Although in many cases the money will be returned through the parents' estate, the extra burden is being incurred at a highly stressful period for the family – and at a time when the adult children themselves may face lower pension payments and reduced returns on their investments.

"The financial implications of aged care come as a huge shock. Forward planning in aged care is such a rare thing," said Drew Potts, a senior adviser at Western Pacific Financial Group in Adelaide.

"In many cases children are having to assist their parents in aged care," said Assyat David of advisory firm Aged Care Steps. Ms David said often the financial assistance was structured as a loan that was later recouped through the sale of the family home or the parents' estate, but planners warned that without a formal loan agreement, this was by no means assured.

"It is fraught with danger. A lot of time people don't see the need for a formal document, but you need a good loan agreement. It is critical you get legal advice," said Rachel Lane, founder of Aged Care Guru.

"I have seen some horror stories when children try to get the money back through the will," Ms Lane said.

The rise in aged care costs is blamed partly on higher property prices and construction costs, which are pushing up the cost of accommodation. In Melbourne and Sydney, residents could have to fork out between $1 million and $2 million to cover the room charge upfront. Since a package of reforms was introduced in 2013, all aged care facilities have had the ability to charge for accommodation either upfront or through instalments.

Baby boomers are also demanding higher quality accommodation for their ageing parents, and in the same or a nearby suburb, adding to the cost of rooms, while many residents are being asked to make a greater contribution to the cost of care through means testing.

"People's expectations are higher," said Mr Potts.

The cost of providing care is also rising, noted Cameron O'Reilly, chief executive of the Aged Care Guild, because residents are going into facilities at a more advanced age when their health conditions are far more acute. The average age of nursing home residents is 83 and they tend to stay for about two years.

Furthermore, the decision to move a parent into a facility often needs to be made quickly or unexpectedly, giving families little time to make financial preparations.

"Quite often because of the age and frailty, children are often involved and the children are making some contribution to secure a place," Mr O'Reilly said.

The ageing population is also set to trigger a rise in the number of people requiring nursing home facilities. The number of people aged 80 and above is expected to increase from one in 26 today to one in 18 by 2030.

"We expect [financial support for aged care] to be a trend going forward," said Ms David, adding that children who were helping to pay ongoing accommodation fees were typically contributing between $10,000 and $20,000 a year.

"In some circumstances, it is putting financial pressure on the children," added Ms Lane.

One instance in which assistance is required is when one member of a couple requires aged care, leaving the spouse at home and making the sale of the family property to finance the cost of care unpalatable. In such circumstances, the elderly couple need to fund two sets of living expenses, noted Ms David.

Even if both members of an elderly couple are in aged care, families are often disinclined to sell the family home, either for emotional or sound financial reasons, Ms Lane said.