Cory Bernardi sails The World at Gina Rinehart's pleasure

The World pool area: can't you just see Cory Bernardi lounging around it in his Speedos?
The World pool area: can't you just see Cory Bernardi lounging around it in his Speedos? Supplied

The usually garrulous Cory Bernardi has refused to deny reports he spent New Year's Eve aboard the luxury cruise liner, The World, as a guest of mining magnate Gina Rinehart.

Typically, it's all we can do to keep the loquacious man of the people quiet. But despite repeated attempts to seek comment on reports he cruised aboard The World in Gina's lavish on-board apartment as it sailed from Melbourne to Sydney in the dying days of last year, the good Senator was keeping defiantly schtum.

After three days of stonewalling, a spokeswoman for Bernardi eventually said her boss was on leave and she was unable to get in touch with him.

Seriously? In this day and age?

It's hard to imagine why the self-styled man of the people would shy away from questions on where and with whom he spends his free time. Or why he'd shy away from suggestions he saw in the New Year aboard a ship whose apartments sell for up to $19 million. We're sure the spectre of becoming embroiled in the political entitlements storm that has so far claimed the scalp of Sussan Ley has nothing to do with his silence.

Doubtless he's just off in that corner of the world that doesn't have the internet or a phone network. Wherever that may be...

We're all ears Cory. Any time that's good for you.