

Australian Census: Count the Jedis we must

"Listen to humourless atheists a Jedi does not. Worse than the sith are they. Yes, hmmm."

Listen to Master Yoda, instead. He's got the good news for you, and the good news is the Jedi Order going from strength to strength, at least as measured by the Australian Census.


I don't recall when I first came out as a Jedi on the Census; probably 10 years ago. I do remember a feeling of immense satisfaction, however, upon nailing my brown, homespun colours to the mast.

Previously I had listed myself as a Frisbeetarian. We believed that when you die your soul flew up on the roof and got stuck there. I had some hope that government policy might change if more of my spinning, wobbly, brethren would just declare themselves publicly – but alas our dream of step ladders for all was not to be.

Thus did I come to the Jedi Order. We may trace our origins back a long time ago to a galaxy far far away, but our current needs are modest and prosaic. A new temple and Federal support for the light sabre industry would be nice. A little public funding for the Padawan education system wouldn't go astray either. If the rest of you get to dip into the public purse on behalf of your invisible friends, I don't see why we should go hungry.

As for the Atheist Foundation, they sound kind of Sithy to me. A bunch of tedious nimrods, the Sith are. They're forever force-choking people and being quite judgy with it. The steady growth of the Jedi Order is hardly the most worrying aspect of this latest Census. We've already beaten the Seventh Day Adventists (also a bit Sithy) and eventually we hope to get our very own check box.

If I were a young Padawan I'd be more concerned about my personal identifying data being retained by the government (very, very Sithy) for up to four years. There's no reason they should have any of the information on the Census and if you believe for a moment that they can keep it secure I've got a used and slightly singed DeathStar I can sell you.

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