

Comment: Seven boss Tim Worner should show himself the door

Dear Mr Tim Worner,

With your Seven West Media Board seemingly reluctant to make a decision, I am writing to you to ask, respectfully, that you clean out your office. Today.

I am not writing as a shareholder, because I'm not.
I'm not writing as a woman, or a journalist either, although I'm both of them.

I'm writing as a viewer, who believes your company relies on credibility to deliver the news each evening. Sure you provide entertainment too - but you shouldn't be playing some two-bit cheating star in your own reality TV show!

And I'm asking too, on a personal note. I have children: girls I want to grow up into strong, civic-minded, moral women, and explaining some of those alleged emails this week has been almost as tough for me as it might have been for you seeing them fill newspaper columns.

Anyway, it's now just unseemly. It's your decision to have an affair and it's your decision to sex-up on drugs, although I know that's just an allegation. I wish you'd make a public statement so we can know that's not true.

But where it comes unstuck for me is the bit about you breaking the rules that you helped enforce. That's just hypocrisy, Sir.

There's heaps, but the stuff in the board charter about acting at all times with honesty and integrity, about having the "highest standards of ethical behaviour" stand out immediately.

Or the rule that says you will not prioritise your personal interests over the company's interests.

Then there's the code of conduct. Whoa, there's a few there that might cause you as much grief as your former executive assistant.

Rules like using the power of the office for proper purpose, and how personal interests should be regarded, or the primary responsibility you have to shareholders. The need to be "independent in judgement" might be a bit of a problem too, if we trust a tenth of the headline fodder we're all reading.

There's more about not engaging in conduct that might bring discredit upon the company, and the need to comply with the spirit of the code - but I don't want to go on for too long. You'd know all these rules and regulations.

And that's my point Sir. You can bed who you like, although many of your viewers might disagree with me there. And you can have dalliances with whatever or whoever you like outside work and keep your job.

But your admissions to date already show that you dismissed the standards for yourself that you expect of others who report to you.

It's never easy showing someone the door, although you've probably done that more than once or twice too.

But you really do need to practise what you speak. I'm asking you - believing shy types like Jeff Kennett and others on your board are struggling with this - to show yourself the door.